The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is a curated space where bloggers from around the world contribute content on a continual basis about a variety of topics relevant to in and out-of-school time. The BOOST Breakfast Club blog is at the heart of an ongoing dialogue where expanded learning and education professionals share their personal thoughts and stories from the in and out-of-school time field. They also tell us what they ate for breakfast!

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Enjoy the brain food.

The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is Brain Food for In and Out-of-School Time Leaders!

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Author: BOOST Collaborative

Sending Holiday Cheer

BOOST appreciates you throughout the year, so we wanted to send some holiday cheer! We can’t wait to keep learning and laughing with you in 2021! Here’s to brighter days ahead. xo, TEAMBOOST Click to download the PDF

BOOST Online Film Festival Partnership Announced

BOOST, in partnership with IndieFlix for Education, offers film-based programming that inspires positive action, personal revelation, and social change for all ages. We provide social-emotional learning experiences that have a long and lasting measurable impact. Our social-impact, film-based programs, and accompanying live panel discussions, activities, resources, tips, and tools provide you with ...

BOOST Vibes – Messages of Hope, Love & Inspiration

In recognition of the week we would have been together, we’ve asked the BOOST Leadership Team, BOOST Ambassadors, and Breakfast Club Bloggers to share messages of hope & inspiration with the field, to connect our community until we can gather together again. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For many of us in ...

Using YouTube for PD- BOOST Your Learning

Did you know we have over 100 educational videos on our YouTube page? Our digital content includes past BOOST Conference keynote speakers and general session entertainment, fun enrichment activities, as well as dozens of videos recorded from our BOOST Training and Online Learning Community. We have created a fillable YouTube PD Reflection & Action Planning Form to support your professional dev...

Meet the 2020-2021 BOOST Leadership Team

BOOST Collaborative is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 BOOST Leadership Team. The BOOST Leadership Team is critically important to the success and impact of the BOOST Conference. This amazing team provides big ideas, new connections, and practical strategies while adding credibility to the planning and execution process. This comprehensive Leadership Team represents the diversity of after school...

2020 BOOST Conference Postponed – New Dates Inside

Dear BOOST Community, After long and serious deliberation, the BOOST Team has made the difficult decision to postpone the October 2020 BOOST Conference due to the coronavirus pandemic. We simply are still not able to gather safely in large groups at this time and your safety is of utmost importance to us. Several factors went into our decision. When we were forced to postpone our April 2020 confer...


BOOST Collaborative is proud to announce formal, strategic partnerships with two national organizations to enhance our collaborative role in supporting educators. Sanford Programs at National University- Sanford Harmony and Sanford Inspire Sanford Programs were established through a generous gift by renowned philanthropist and businessman, Mr. Sanford, in order to serve the global needs of the 21s...

Activities That Inspire Impact- Showing Up for Students, Families, and Communities

Did you know that BOOST has been offering trainings, workshops, and learning communities online over the past year? Many of our past sessions are available for rewatch on our YouTube page, with new videos added regularly. We currently have over 100 free educational videos for you to enjoy! On June 15, 2020, a group of BOOSTers gathered on Zoom to learn about Activities That Inspire Impact- Showing...

BOOST Stands in Solidarity with Black Communities

TEAMBOOST stands in solidarity with our Black colleagues, students, families, and communities. We love you. We support you. We are here for you. Today, we are recommitting to our fight for racial justice, inclusion, and equity. Going forward, we will continue to take meaningful action toward positive change.Over the years, we’ve sought out powerful Black voices to educate, inspire, and uplif...

2,500+ Free Online Resources for Learning

We’re in an unprecedented moment. The ways we teach, and how students learn, are shifting in ways they never have before. It’s hard to stay connected, focused, and on-plan with so much change happening daily. But, fortunately, we also have tools, technology, and community keeping us all together. TEAMBOOST has collected a wealth of free, online resources that teachers, afterschool prog...

In Memory of Our Friend and Colleague, Mary Jo Ginty

On December 29, 2019, we lost a colleague, leader, mentor, friend, and giant. And it hurts. Mary Jo Ginty made a significant impact on all of us in so many ways, personally and professionally. Her passing is a momentous loss to everyone who knew her. Her contributions to the Expanded Learning field will be one of her greatest legacies. It is fair to say she taught us so many valuable lessons along...

Leaders Who Inspire Us: Jabez LeBret

Editor’s Note: Continuing with our Leaders Who Inspire Us campaign, check out today’s featured leader Jabez LeBret! Keep an eye out for more inspirational people in our field who are change-makers. If you want to recommend someone, please send a note to Jabez LeBret has been homeless, is a high school dropout, and was on a path to nowhere. After getting his GE...