On-Site Staff / Partnerships and Building Relationships / Storytellers

Know a teen who’s social media savvy? Seeking High School Brand Ambassadors: College Board (SAT) Instagram Campaign + More!

Know a teen who’s social media savvy? Seeking High School Brand Ambassadors: College Board (SAT) Instagram Campaign + More!

Motivate Youth has launched an amazing campaign to promote college test prep, and has an exciting opportunity for high school students!

Motivate is assembling a team of amazing teens to be High School Brand Ambassadors to mobilize an Instagram campaign promoting SAT test prep and a $10,000 sweepstakes giveaway.

If you know a teen who is active on social media and loves creating and sharing Instagram content, Motivate Youth wants to hear from them!

Share this application link with any high school junior or senior who will spread the word about SAT prep! 

This is a paid campaign with opportunities to earn bonuses! Teens who participate can get paid to post and share content created by Motivate and the College Board.


Can’t do the campaign…? That’s ok, you still have a chance to enter the De-stress the SAT Sweepstakes!

Preparing for college can be stressful. That’s why the College Board and Khan Academy® have teamed up to provide students and parents with FREE practical resources for building confidence and reducing the stress of test prep.

In addition to recruiting student ambassadors, Motivate is currently promoting the De-stress the SAT giveaway which rewards students with a chance to win over $10,000 worth of valuable prizes that will support them on their college journey and take some of the stress out of the test.

 Enter by November 2 for a chance to win at https://sweepstakes.collegeboard.org

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BOOST Collaborative is a unique, purpose-driven organization committed to supporting those serving youth in the out-of-school time hours by providing quality professional development, opportunities for networking & partnerships, and leadership training. Together, we make a difference.

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