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Partnerships and Building Relationships

BOOST GTKY 2024 – Let’s Get to Know BOOST Partner, Joshua Faden!

Let's Get To Know BOOST Partner, Joshua Faden!

Nice to Meet You!

Did you know that the In and Out-of-School Time field has some of the greatest working professionals that ‘Inspire Youth, Inspire Learning, and Inspire Change’ year-round? TEAMBOOST proudly features BOOST Partners, Ambassadors, and Leadership Team members in the GTKY (Getting to Know You) collaborative blog series! Let’s start the week off and Get To Know BOOST Partner, Joshua Faden (He/Him/His).

Thank you, Joshua, for your meaningful contributions to the BOOST community! We appreciate you!

Get to Know BOOST Partner Joshua Faden (He/Him/His)

Joshua is the President and Founder of Community of Teachers in Kensington, MD.

A photo of Joshua in front of a sunset over the ocean.What is one thing that motivates you? Share your inspiration.

I have been an educator my entire adult life. I have made the collaborative cultivation of confident, excited, lifelong learners my job; but, it is also a calling, my passion. And, so, I would have to say that my inspiration is seeing the “a-ha” moments for students when they begin to view themselves as capable of overcoming whatever challenges they face- both in and out of the classroom.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about them!

I have a delightfully quirky, extremely entitled cat named Pearl!

What go-to song would you sing at Karaoke night?

Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio

Share any unique hobbies or talents. A picture of Joshua's artwork.

I am an avid gardener who has successfully grown broccoli, garlic, green beans, jalapeños, shishito peppers, spinach, lettuce, onions, scallions, beets, snap peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, as well as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and passionfruit. And, I love to cook with all my fresh fruits and veggies! I also love to create splotch monster art, which I learned how to do from my friend, Steve Loya. I use watercolors and splash them onto paper and then go back and find fun faces and creatures that I “bring to life” with markers. Finally, I have become obsessed with all the different types of mushrooms that I see on my daily walks in nature. I have begun photographing the many varieties and have over a hundred different photos now in just the past year and a half!

A photo taken by Joshua of yellow mushrooms in a tree.Favorite animal noise?

I am a sucker for a good purr from a content cat, but my kindred spirit is a dolphin so I would have to say the playful “whistles” and “clicks” of a dolphin. A photo taken by Joshua of white mushrooms coming up from the ground.

What is your most treasured book to read? 

This is a tough one. I love to read all types of books. I am always good to re-read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, but perhaps my favorite book(s) that I have read would be “The Name of the Wind” or “Wise Man’s Fear” by Patrick Rothfuss. I am currently on book two of “The Inheritance Games” series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Share an inspirational quote that resonates with you.

I have always been inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world,” because I find it simple, yet quite profound. It resonates with me because I appreciate the active nature of the quote. It is not just enough to want things to change, you have to start with yourself and take steps to better yourself and move the world towards the way you want it to be so that others can then follow.

If you could be any person for a day, who would you be and why?

I feel like Jamie Tart from “Ted Lasso” when he was asked if he would want to be a lion or a panda. He responded with, “..I’m me. Why would I want to be anyone else?” As hard as life can be, I am appreciative of all the ups and the downs that have led me to who I am today and who I am becoming. However, if absolutely required I think it could be quite fun to be Yo-Yo Ma for a day because I am not at all musically inclined, but I love music. So, being one of the greatest musicians of our time for a day could be a lot of fun. I would love to be in the flow during an incredible concert performing some soul-inspiring pieces and moving an audience in all the best ways with simply a cello.

A photo of Joshua in front of the ocean.What advice would you give your teenage self?

Besides the practical and obvious like be less stubborn, pick a better hair style, and shave your mustache fuzz, I would advise my teenage self to listen more, seek out learning opportunities that actually excite and challenge you, and not always assume you know best.

If you really knew me you would know that…

I would rather be staring at the ocean and listening to the sounds of the waves lapping against the shore.

Today for breakfast I had…
A fruit smoothie and a toasted poppyseed bagel with butter.

From all of us here at TEAMBOOST, thank you, Joshua, for sharing your leadership with us. You are a wonderful partner and a shining light for youth!

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BOOST Collaborative is a unique, purpose-driven organization committed to supporting those serving youth in the out-of-school time hours by providing quality professional development, opportunities for networking & partnerships, and leadership training. Together, we make a difference.

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