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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Claudine James

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Claudine James

We are continuing to spotlight our BOOST Bloggers, Ambassadors, and Leadership Team members weekly through the end of December to honor them for the amazing work they do in the field.

Today, we are continuing our BOOST Gratitude Blog Series with 10 things you didn’t know about Claudine James, BOOST Ambassador since 2020!

  1. I have always wanted to be a teacher. At the age of six, I entered first grade already reading. The teacher assigned me a reading group, just like she had, and I was hooked from then.
  2. My proudest educational accomplishment is not one I have accomplished on my own. ALL three of my sons are college graduates and have successful careers. I am able to use their success to motivate my minority male students.
  3. In addition to my children, my grandchildren are excelling in education. My amazing daughter-in-law took my advice and helped my grandchildren read 1,000 books before kindergarten. That huge feat has helped both grandchildren, as they now read above their grade level. As an English teacher, that excites me.
  4. Before becoming a public school teacher, I owned and operated a child care center. It was perhaps my greatest lifetime accomplishment.
  5. Besides teaching, I love to cook. I have an entire portfolio of recipes and stories waiting to become part of my cookbook.
  6. I consider myself a Fashionista. Ninety percent of my wardrobe consists of dresses and skirts, and I love hats and other accessories. Unbelievably, my professional dressing attire really helps my classroom management. “As you are dressed, so are you perceived; as you are perceived, so are you treated.” I dress respectfully, and the results are students respect me and don’t disrespect me or others in my class.
  7. During the pandemic, our school only shut down March – May. When school restarted in August, we were in person the entire school year. I did not miss school during that time. YES, I HAD PERFECT ATTENDANCE DURING THE PANDEMIC.
  8. Since owning a daycare, I have been germ-phobic. Today, in my classroom, my desk is completely surrounded by a plexiglass wall, just like at my doctor’s office. Many raise their eyebrows, but I think it helped me to have perfect attendance last year.
  9. Reading is my second favorite hobby next to cooking. In 2018, I won the Penguin Random House Literacy Teacher Award. Part of my prize was a $2,500 gift card to order books. The gift card arrived a week before my birthday. It was the best birthday present I have ever had. My classroom library expanded greatly.
  10. I started posting grammar lessons on TikTok on December 1, 2020. In less than a year, I have gained over 3 million followers. My classroom now expands around the world.

For breakfast today I had cream of wheat because I always, always eat oatmeal. However, yesterday I found a worm in my oatmeal. So…

Thank you, Claudine, for being part of the BOOST Ambassador Team and for all that you do for the youth and communities you serve.

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BOOST Collaborative is a unique, purpose-driven organization committed to supporting those serving youth in the out-of-school time hours by providing quality professional development, opportunities for networking & partnerships, and leadership training. Together, we make a difference.

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