Breakfast Club Blog


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Virtual Martin Luther King, Jr. Project

Sponsored by North Carolina State University, the Virtual Martin Luther King, Jr. Project (vMLK) developed as a pilot project. The vMLK team in conjunction with faculty at Southease Raleigh Magnet High School developed a website with resources intended to offer learning experiences and no-cost professional development opportunities for North Carolina teachers and students grades 8-12.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Activities and Resources: NMAAHC

The National Museum of African American History & Culture offers educators and community activists a resource centered on Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream for not only his community, but the world. This resource offers activities, information, as well as links to alternative resources to discuss big topics with children including racism and activism.

EDSITEment: Culture of a Tribal Nation

EDSITEment offers resources for K-5 to discuss art, culture, history, and legacy of the Anishinaabe, Ojibwe, Chippewa tribal nations. Intended to support student knowledge in diverse people groups, this resource encourages differentiated and accurate understanding of those living throughout lands referred to as North and South America. Additional links are provided on the resource site to extend learning as well as guiding questions.

Indigenous Representation: Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Resources

In celebration and honor of Native Heritage Month, the National Educational Association (NEA) offers year-round resources to share the narrative of Indigenous People groups.

Resources include lesson plan units for children grades Kindergarten through 12 that focus on history, accurate representation, Thanksgiving lesson plans from the Native American perspective, background resources, printables/posters, videos, and recommended readings. The curated collection is in partnership with organizations centered in social justice and advocacy.

NEA Note: “Educators should be mindful of cultural appropriation when teaching about other cultures and understand that Native American students in class may experience lessons differently than non-Native students.”

Rise Vote 2024 Toolkit

Generation Citizen has created a resource designed to inform, support, and empower youth voices in the act of civic engagement and voter registration. Specific state-by-state information is also provided for the following locations: California; Kentucky; New York; Massachusetts; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Oklahoma; Texas; and Washington. A mini-lesson plan on voter registration is included.

Afterschool Alliance: 2024 Program Support and Learning Recovery Survey

In research posted in April 2024, Afterschool Alliance presents survey findings showcasing 1,116 participating after school providers. These findings suggest that after school programs do support learning recovery post-COVID19, but continue to struggle with staffing and program costs.

While state and federal funding have helped to alleviate the challenges associated with cost, the diminishing funding may impact current staffing (reduction of personnel) and programming (reduction in program offerings), reducing access for at-promise children who need it.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation: Insights on State Kinship Diversion Policies

The Annie E. Casey Foundation offers its latest installment to provide information on kinship diversion policies through this analysis report of state-by-state surveys of kinship care policies. Findings are based on 33 state respondents who have policies allowing kinship diversion. The Annie E. Casey Foundation defines kinship diversion as placement of a child with relatives or close family friends as an alternative to a child welfare agency taking custody and placing the child in formal foster care.

Together for Girls 2022-2023 Impact Report

Together for Girls is an international organization spotlighting the importance for youth advocacy and violence prevention against children. Their 2022-2023 impact report spotlights the preventability of violence and importance of change through partnership models.

The Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University offers the LGBTQ Youth & Family Resources page as an additional opportunity for families to access key resources and find support services.

SFSU: Family Acceptance Project

The Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University offers research-based intervention, education, and policy initiatives to support families and youth. These initiatives promote well-being and offer preventative measures to the health and mental risks faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) children and youth.

The Family Acceptance Project puts research into practice and offers a myriad of resources to both families and educational providers in order to build greater inclusivity and acceptance.

In commemoration of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health America (MHA) sponsored the creation of the 2024 BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit.

This toolkit offers fact sheets, outreach ideas, sample newsletters, social media tools, and more to better support youth in our communities.

In commemoration of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health America (MHA) sponsored the creation of the 2024 BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit.

This toolkit offers fact sheets, outreach ideas, sample newsletters, social media tools, and more to better support youth in our communities.