Breakfast Club Blog

Global Learning

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National Museum of the American Latino: Hispanic Heritage Month Resources

The National Museum of the American Latino in partnership with the Smithsonian offers Hispanic Heritage Month Resources for the community to join in the celebration from September 15 – October 15. This resource offers virtual exhibits, educational resources, as well as discussions about the importance of celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.

Kid Power

Kid Power is an interactive video platform for students in grades Kindergarten through 8th. Kid Power combines philanthropy and fun with mental health, social-emotional learning (SEL), child rights, and equity and access for all students.


Here is a complied list of leaders and educators who talk about global learning on twitter.

Primary Source

Primary Source promotes history and humanities education by connecting educators to people and cultures throughout the world by providing learning opportunities and curriculum resources for K-12 educators.

Performance Outcomes

Here, teachers can use these competency tests to see where their students fall in the global learning subject.

New York State’s Global Learning Guide

This guide provides activities in global learning to every age level.

Mapping the Nation

Mapping the Nation is a interactive map that pulls together demographic, economic, and educational information for students to learn about the country.

Global Learning in Out of School Time

These global learning “quick sheets” are one-page examples of developmentally appropriate unit plan outlines in typical afterschool content areas.

Expanding Horizons: Building Global Literacy in Afterschool Programs

Expanding Horizons illustrates key concepts, provide concrete examples, and suggest activities across a wide variety of content and age ranges to give a sense of the potential for global learning.

Asia Society: Global Competence

Here is an overview of global competence and reasons why it should be used and curriculum to use in the classroom.