Breakfast Club Blog

Family Engagement

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National Education Association

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA’s 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.


EPIC: Every Person Influences Children

EPIC is a national not-for-profit organization that provides effective programs and resources for parents, teachers, and school administrators that help adults raise responsible and academically successful children.

National Center for Family Literacy

The mission of the National Center for Family Literacy is to create educational and economic opportunity for the most at-risk children and parents.

Family Engagement: School and Learning

Program staff can direct parents to this website designed for smart academic advice for helping kids in every grade and subject.

National Network of Partnership Schools

Established by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, the National Network of Partnership Schools brings together schools, districts, and states that are committed to developing and maintaining comprehensive programs of school–family–community partnerships.

Find Your Parent Resource Center

There are nearly 100 Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) in the US and Territories. These centers are working with families of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities, birth to 26; helping parents participate effectively in their children’s education and development; and partnering with professionals and policy makers to improve outcomes for all children with disabilities. Find your Parent Center here.

The Family Engagement Playbook

The Family Engagement Playbook is a collection of promising research-based approaches to strengthen individual competencies, interpersonal relationships, and organizational structures that build capacity for meaningful co-created family engagement. The Playbook offers ideas, models, and tools that can be easily integrated into any training, continuing education, and organizational learning opportunities in a variety of settings, including higher education, schools, early childhood programs, afterschool programs, and libraries, among others.

Healthy Activities to Do at Home

Fostering healthy behaviors, staying active, and eating nutritiously at home are vital for children’s development for many reasons, in addition to the obvious. When kids are out of school for any reason, whether it’s the weekend, a holiday break, or a school closure, parents and caregivers can use these activities and resources to keep their kids moving, learning, and eating healthily.

P-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics Modules

In order to assist educators with the implementation of the Common Core, the New York State Education Department provides curricular modules in P-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics that schools and districts can adopt or adapt for local purposes. The full year of the Listening and Learning Strand for Prekindergarten English Language Arts is available.

San Diego Unified School District Instructional Resources

This instructional resource page was developed to provide families in San Diego Unified School District support during school closures. For each category, you will find activities, lessons, and digital resources to engage your child during this time. Please watch the informational video and use the links to access resources to use with your child at home.

Family Staycation Toolkit

Are you inside with the kids today? Someone’s sick? Raining outside? Something else keeping you inside? This booklet provides 10 ways you can talk, read, sing, and play your way through the day—just with things you might already have at home. Pick and choose the ideas that work best for your child’s age and interests. And follow your child’s lead on other ways they want to play!

BOKS at Home

With many schools being closed and kids at home, BOKS will share as many games and activities as possible to keep kids active and happy during this difficult time. BOKS knows that anxiety is at an all-time high and one of the best ways to reduce stress in kids and adults is to get your daily dose of endorphins – so they want to provide you with as many free and accessible resources as possible.