Breakfast Club Blog

Family Engagement

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Webinar Series: Achieving Excellence and Innovation in Family, School, and Community Engagement

This webinar series is an opportunity for stakeholders representing national, regional, and local organizations to learn about family, school, and community, engagement research, best practices from the field, and new innovations that are making a difference in school improvement and student learning.

Teaching for Change

Teaching for Change works to build social justice in the classroom by encouraging professional development and parent organizations and sponsoring the Cross City Parent Leadership Initiative that acts as an opportunity for parent coordinators and parents to gain the tools to facilitate effective family-school programs.

Project Appleseed

Project Appleseed is the national campaign for public school improvement aiming to evaluate and improve parent-school partnerships through providing a parent-school involvement checklist, parental involvement report card, recent news and videos on family events, family engagement, student success, and education funding.

Parent Power Handbook

A handbook outlining what parents can do to support children’s learning at all ages — babies and toddlers, preschoolers, elementary school, middle school, and high school.

Parents for Public Schools

Parents for Public Schools offers a network for parents to engage in school improvement efforts at the local, state and national levels and works to develop parent leadership by arming parents with information about how schools should and do operate and motivation to act on behalf of all the students.

National PTA

National PTA is a resource created to organize and support parent involvement in children’s education through family-school partnerships and information on getting ready for the new school year, healthy lifestyles and after-school programs.

National PIRC

The National Parental Information and Resource Center’s (PIRC) list of 62 PIRCs by state.

National Center for Fathering

National Center for Fathering is a nonprofit, scientific and education organization that offers research-based training for men in fathering situations through seminars and small-group training, a daily radio-show and turn-key easily implemented fathering programs.

National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools

SEDL’s National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools links people with research-based information and resources that they can use to effectively connect schools, families, and communities. The Center provides three primary types of resources to assist researchers, practitioners, families and community members with finding and utilizing research based information people need to take action and make connections between schools, families, and communities.

Family Support America

Family Support America is a national resource that dedicates itself to providing information and support for families and parents regarding child abuse, alcoholism, adoption, disciplining children, divorce, work and other family related concerns.

Center for the Improvement of Child Caring

Center for the Improvement of Child Caring is a parenting and parenting education association that works to increase the likelihood that every child is raised effectively and humanely and offers parenting skill-building programs and numerous ways to bring family contribution into childhood care and educational systems.

Aspire Public Schools

Aspire Public Schools is a non-profit organization that prepares urban students for college, encourages parent participation in all aspects of school life by providing guidance about at-home support, school decision-making and supporting easy, open communication with teachers.