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Diversity Lesson Plans for Elementary Schools

Educating students to embrace diversity through these resources that will build on what they are already learning.

Diversity: Understanding and Teaching Diverse Students

BYU provides multicultural diversity activities as well as reasons for teachers to use them in their classrooms.


Professional development, research and resources for diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural competence.


Edutopia is a comprehensive website and online community that increases knowledge, sharing, and adoption of what works in K-12 education. They emphasize core strategies: project-based learning, comprehensive assessment, integrated studies, social and emotional learning, educational leadership and teacher development, and technology integration.

the hub

Resources to promote equality and diversity in the classroom for teachers can be found here.

Humane Connection

Here are some activities that are good for exploring prejudice and discrimination.

Maynard Institute

This is an online interactive game that challenges players to be diverse and understand diversity.

Miami University

Lesson plans provided by Miami University that promote social justice and equality in the classroom.

National Center for Cultural Competence

The mission of the National Center for Cultural Competence is to increase the capacity of health care and mental health care programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems to address growing diversity, persistent disparities, and to promote health and mental health equity.

National Institutes of Health

The importance of cultural competency and what it really means.


An article of the importance of out-of-school time cultural competence.

Resources on Cultural Competency

From the Oregon State Department of Education, this website provides a variety of resources about cultural competency.

Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition offers resources as a starting point for educators, parents/guardians and youth.

Teaching Gender Equality to Teens

This blog entry on has information and resources about teaching equality in the classroom.

ARTKIVE – Save Kids’ Art

Never again feel guilty about throwing away artwork your kids bring home. Get rid of the clutter and start to enjoy your child's work. Turn your Artkive into a high quality, hard cover book with little more than the touch of a button!

Art Kids Drawing

An app that gives children tools to learn drawing techniques.

Art My Kid Made

This iTunes app will allow parents to archive their children’s art.

Beginner Guitar Songs

This iTunes app teachers you how to begin learning the guitar.

Best Kids Songs

This application has popular songs for children ages 0-5 to sing along.