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Healthy Kids Out of School

From healthy, quick snack ideas to fun cooking activities to do in out-of-school-time programs, Healthy Kids Out of School's website, Healthy Kids Hub, is filled with free educational materials, discounted products, and other special offers to help out-of-school-time programs promote healthy eating habits.

Healthy Kids Snacks

Healthy Kids Snacks is a great website that gives you healthier alternatives to junk food. These recipes are quick and easy and full of flavor, the quick snacks suggestions are easy enough for even the busiest of schedules. You can also sign up for their Newsletter where you can find news and recipes, articles, tips, and information about healthy snacking.

Healthy Recipes for Kids

Healthy recipes give tons of recipes that are nutritious and fun to make. The recipes are easy for children to prepare, is a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen. This site gives an opportunity for kids to vote and rank recipes that they have tried, this innovative process helps children get involved with what they eat and is also a learning process. They can practice math, meal preparation, and learn eating habits for life.

Healthy Teen Network

Healthy Teen Network builds a network among professionals and organizations through education, advocacy, and networking to assist all adolescents in information about health and other life questions.


Teachers can use this website for curriculum ideas for their P.E. classes.


Heinemann supports teachers as they refine their craft and adjust to the shifting educational landscape.

Help Kids Cope

Help Kids Cope is an app designed to assist parents in talking to their children about different disasters they may experience or have already experienced. This app includes 10 different disaster types with sections in each on how to explain, prepare, respond, and heal from the event their family is concerned with. Each section gives guidance on talking to preschool, school-age, and adolescent children, as well as, includes ways parents can help themselves cope and support their children’s reactions. Parent audio icons are located throughout the app—simply tap on these to hear a parent’s personal story. Make sure your device is not on mute or vibrate to hear these stories.


Helpguide is a nonprofit website that is dedicated to metal health issues.

Helping Traumatized Children Learn: A Report and Policy Agenda

Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school.

Helping Young Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: Policies and Strategies for Early Care and Education

This report from Child Trends and the National Center for Children in Poverty includes a review of the prevalence of early childhood trauma and its effects. The report offers promising strategies for child care and preschool programs looking to help young children who have endured trauma, and presents recommendations for policymakers to support trauma-informed early care.

Helping Young People Succeed

This report offers suggestions to improve and sustain relations between youth development organizations and schools. Additionally, it outlines aspects of positive youth development, such as physical development, intellectual development, psychological and emotional development, and social development.

Helping Your Students Cope With a Violent World

Strategies for helping children make sense of a violent world include historical perspective, risk assessment of their daily lives, writing to leaders, and reaching out to victims.


A support site for teens that is monitored by moderators and administrators that provides teens with resources and outlets to solve their problems.  The site includes support forums, a live chat option, and informational articles.

HHMI BioInteractive

From data-rich activities and case studies to high-quality videos and interactive media, BioInteractive's resources are designed to connect students to big ideas in biology, promote engagement with science practices, and instill awe and wonder about the living world. In addition, the BioInteractive website provides educators with planning tools to build resource playlists and storylines, and professional learning materials and opportunities to deepen their scientific and pedagogical expertise.

High School Ace

Provides High School students with homework help and educational activities to supplement their school work.

High School Environmental Center

The site is designed to inform students about environmental issues and things they can do to help the environment.

High School Reform and High School Afterschool: A Common Purpose

With a job market that requires nearly all workers to have a high school diploma, America faces a huge challenge with the dropout crisis. This brief examines the potential role high school afterschool could play in decreasing dropout rates, tackling the achievement gap, and keeping kids on track towards successful futures.

High School Resources

Resources for high school youth organized by topic, including Fine Arts, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.