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Performance Outcomes

Here, teachers can use these competency tests to see where their students fall in the global learning subject.

Primary Source

Primary Source promotes history and humanities education by connecting educators to people and cultures throughout the world by providing learning opportunities and curriculum resources for K-12 educators.

7 Positive Phrases We Should be Teaching American Boys About Masculinity

Comprehensive article on how society should be framing masculinity for boys in a more positive and effective manner.

Asia Society: Global Competence

Here is an overview of global competence and reasons why it should be used and curriculum to use in the classroom.

Coaching Boys into Men

Provides athletic coaches with resources to promote respectful behavior and prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault

Website that provides information on preventing youth from doing drugs.

Gender Responsive Agricultural Development Program

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created gender responsive agricultural development programs in international communities.

INEE Guide to Gender Equality in and through Education

This handbook has useful principles for a gender-responsive approach to guide all education programming, and provides responses to some of the most common misconceptions and arguments against gender-responsive education. It gives concrete strategies and actions for putting gender equality into practice in the major domains of education in emergencies. Finally, key gender terms and a selection of resources are listed at the end of the Pocket Guide.

Highly-trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. We also provide information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services are available 24/7/365.

Raising Boys

Article on how to more effectively nurture boys in modern society.

A Recipe for Meaningful Gamification

“Meaningful gamification is the use of gameful and playful layers to help a user find personal connections that motivate engagement with a specific context for long-term change.” Scott Nicholson has written an article that fully explains gamification and its significance in the classroom.

Fairmount Behavioral Health Services

Gender responsiveness programming for adolescent girls. Offers procedures and issues to be aware of with this population.

Health and Social Resource for Adolescent Girls

In depth resource site for adolescent girls, approach is fun, clear, and reliable. Covers topics from body issues, periods, dating, and friendships.

Identifying Violence Against Women

Violence and abuse affect women from all kinds of backgrounds every day. Sometimes, women are attacked by strangers, but most often they are hurt by people who are close to them. Violence and abuse can cause terrible physical and emotional pain. Here is resource center to help deal with this issue.

Starting Point

This website teaches teachers how to create effective games for their classrooms.


Here is a complied list of the top 100 games that can be used in game-based learning.

Students and teachers can use this website to create their own games for the classroom and learning.


Kodu Game Lab is a resource for students to use to learn how to make their own games. It is also useful for teachers who wish to create games to implement into their classroom.


The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning helps to explain the key ideas in game based learning, which include the “pedagogy, implementation, and assessment.”

Games for learning multiplication!