Sex Education
- Healthy Sexual Behaviors (2)
- Human Development (1)
- Personal Skills (1)
- Relationships (25)
- Society and Culture (6)
This report was presented on behalf of the U.S. Surgeon General as an advisory to the mental health and well-being of parents. Based on data findings, there is expressed concern not only for the present mental well-being of parents but also for its direct impact on children. This advisory offers valuable insights to parents and providers alike.
In the 5 Day Healthy Kickstart for Teachers you will be given tips and tricks to help you start the year off right! It consists of 5 videos (to view each day or all at once) that include a recipe and action step for you to take. By the end you will have what you need to begin a healthy kickstart no matter where you may be on your journey. This challenge is completely FREE and our goal is to encourage teachers and people everywhere to be healthy this year.
Advocates for Youth help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. For out of school time professionals, this site offers resources such as lesson plans, curriculum and education program ideas, topics and issues, and organizational development.
Online resources from teens to teens about dating and other related information. Moreover, available expert information and advice is given to curious teenagers.
Since 1996, Break the Cycle has been a trusted resource for dating abuse information and referrals, technical assistance and training to communities nationwide. Explore the resources they have developed to build individual, organizational and community capacity to prevent and respond to dating abuse.
Website designed for parents to share information on parenting teens. Articles are available for parents in the midst of struggle as well as those who have successfully navigated through their struggles.
Campaign Zero believes we can live in a world where the police don’t kill people. The resources here show we can do this by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability.
Advocating the right of youth to be informed about and in control of their own bodies
Numerous dating and relationship tips and information for teens and parents.
EPIC is a national not-for-profit organization that provides effective programs and resources for parents, teachers, and school administrators that help adults raise responsible and academically successful children.
The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education. Click on the link to review their published article dated February, 2012 that includes statistics on Sex, Pregnancy, and Abortion; Reports on Sex Education; and School Health Policies and Programs.
Produced by Columbia University’s Health Education program, offering questions and answers on relationships, sexuality, and sexual health.