Breakfast Club Blog

Prevention & Intervention

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CDC – Violence Prevention

Youth violence is a serious problem that can have lasting harmful effects on victims and their families, friends, and communities. The goal for youth violence prevention is to stop youth violence from happening in the first place.

Preventing youth violence requires addressing factors at all levels of the social ecology—the individual, relational, community, and societal levels.

CDC’s technical package, A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors, highlights strategies based on the best available evidence to help states and communities prevent or reduce youth violence. The strategies are intended to work in combination and reinforce each other. Strategies and their corresponding approaches are listed in the table below.


The Be SMART campaign was launched to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives. Be SMART emphasizes that it’s an adult responsibility to keep kids from accessing guns and that every adult can play a role in keeping kids and communities safer. There are thousands of Be SMART volunteers in your communities and neighborhoods that are delivering the Be SMART message across the country in all 50 states. Be SMART resources include tips for parents and adults in talking to youth about gun violence and gun violence prevention.

The Alliance for Gun Responsibility

The Alliance for Gun Responsibility works to end the gun violence crisis in our community and to promote a culture of gun ownership that balances rights with responsibilities. Through collaboration with experts, civic leaders, and citizens, we work to find evidence-based solutions to the crisis of gun violence in our community. We create innovative policy, advocate for changes in laws, and promote community education to reduce gun violence.

The Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation regularly gathers national and local subject matter experts together to share information and discuss the intersectionality of gun violence with a number of research and advocacy issues, including suicide prevention, domestic violence, hate crimes, trauma-informed care, stigma and discrimination. Each summit focuses on evidence-based best practices, next steps and coordination of prevention efforts.

We are proud to partner with hundreds of organizations across Washington who support commonsense gun violence prevention efforts in our state. The depth and breadth of our coalition membership shows the strong desire for change from voices in all corners of the state.

We also have a robust volunteer program with local leaders across the state. The chapter team model empowers volunteers to drive change in their communities by engaging in a wide range of grassroots activities, including organizing a phone bank, hosting a house party, visiting with a legislator and attending rallies and other events.


Peace Over Violence

Peace Over Violence is a nonprofit 501c3, multicultural, community-based and volunteer centered organization dedicated to building healthy relationships, families, and communities free from sexual, domestic, and interpersonal violence. To achieve this mission our agency manages five departments delivering the services of Emergency, Intervention, Prevention, Education, and Advocacy.

Helping Traumatized Children Learn: A Report and Policy Agenda

Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school.

Tangible Support for Immigrant Communities During COVID-19

Immigrants Rising is committed to serving undocumented communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They put together a list of resources to help undocumented immigrants navigate the crisis.

Operation Prevention Classroom Resources

Operation Prevention’s classroom resources provide educators with engaging tools that are aligned to national health and science standards and integrate seamlessly into classroom instruction. Through a series of hands-on investigations, these resources introduce students to the science behind opioids and their impact on the brain and body.

Resources are available for elementary, middle, and high school grade levels.


The Dibble Institute

The Dibble Institute provides resources for equipping young people for healthy romantic relationships now and in the future. Skill building for developing healthy adolescent romantic relationships.

Resources: Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention

The Center for Community Solutions provides resources, including hotlines, dating abuse resources, national resources and public awareness campaigns, for teen dating and violence prevention.

Break the Cycle

Since 1996, Break the Cycle has been a trusted resource for dating abuse information and referrals, technical assistance and training to communities nationwide. Explore the resources they have developed to build individual, organizational and community capacity to prevent and respond to dating abuse.