Breakfast Club Blog

Mental Health

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National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders through specialized programs and services. The organization confronts these serious illnesses by means of early intervention, improved access to treatment, and increased awareness.

National School Board’s School Health Programs

NSBA is committed to helping school policymakers and educators make informed decisions about health issues affecting academic achievement and health development of students.  NSBA offers a Resource Database on various health issues affecting students.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization that advocates for access to services, treatment and research for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI not only works with those directly affected by mental illness but also assists families and loved ones by providing free education, programs, and support groups.


The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) represents and supports the profession of school psychology by advancing effective practices to improve students’ learning, behavior and mental health and maintaining essential standards for ethics and practice.

Mental Health Resources

MHR is here to create hope, inspiration, health, and recovery for those affected by mental illness.

Mental Health America

Mental Health America is a national non-profit community organization that is dedicated to helping people live mentally healthier lives.


KidsPeace is a private charity dedicated to serving the behavioral and mental health needs of children, families and communities.  KidsPeace provides free resources to families and children in 12 states.

Kids Mental Health

Kids Mental Health is an online information portal that provides resources for living with children that have mental disorders. This website hopes to encourage care providers to be proactive in providing health care and support to these children so they can live up to their full potential.

Kids Help Phone

A free 24 hour service for kids and teens that offers phone and web counseling and support.  The site has a section devoted to younger users, and a section for teen users.  Each section includes forums, games, quizzes, and information about common issues faced while growing up.

International Bipolar Foundation

The International Bipolar Foundation provides hope, resources, and support to those living with bipolar disorder.


A free 24 hour crisis hotline for callers who are contemplating suicide.  The website also offers email support.


A support site for teens that is monitored by moderators and administrators that provides teens with resources and outlets to solve their problems.  The site includes support forums, a live chat option, and informational articles.