Breakfast Club Blog

Inclusion/Disability Awareness

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LD OnLine

LD OnLine seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.

National Center for Children with Disabilities

The National Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) offers brief, but detailed fact sheets (in English and Spanish) on characteristics of specific disabilities, and offers tips for parents and teachers.

National Inclusion Project – Partnership Grants

The National Inclusion Project in North Carolina was started by Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel. NIP partners with communities by providing funding for programs seeking to include ALL children. Grant submission accepted March – July.

National Services Inclusion Project

The National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP), a Corporation for National Community Service (CNCS) training and technical assistance provider, is here to meet all of your training and technical assistance needs on the inclusion of individuals with disabilities as active participants in your national service program.

One Place for Special Needs

The premise behind the One Place for Special Needs Web site is simple– if we are all together in one place, we can become an enormous think tank of shared resources, knowledge and experience. From this Web site you can find families in your own neighborhood, add resources, disability organizations, events and discussion topics. You can also start your own online community or join existing groups for support and friendship.

Sample Care Plan

A sample care plan for children with special health needs from the State of New Jersey. This plan is to be completed by a health care provider and includes medication information, special medical equipment, emergency care, and other necessary information for caring for a child with special health needs.

Special Olympics – Project UNIFY

Project UNIFY is a U.S. national project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Its goal is to activate young people around the country in an effort to develop school communities where all young people are agents of change — fostering respect, dignity and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities by utilizing the programs and initiatives of Special Olympics.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

ACLU has been our nation’s guardian of liberty, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.


Easterseals provides opportunities for people of all ages with a range of disabilities to achieve their full potential.

PACER Center

PACER Center enhances the quality of life and expands opportunities for children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities and their families so each person can reach his or her highest potential.


TASH is an international leader in disability advocacy for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs. TASH works to advance inclusive communities through advocacy, research, professional development, policy and information and resources for parents, families and self-advocates.

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)

The mission of NCLD is to improve the lives of the 1 in 5 children and adults nationwide with learning and attention issues—by empowering parents and young adults, transforming schools and advocating for equal rights and opportunities. They’re working to create a society in which every individual possesses the academic, social and emotional skills needed to succeed in school, at work,f and in life.