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Family Support Services

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The National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention provides resources and assistance for the prevention of child abuse.

National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare

Resource for parents and childcare providers to ensure their children are healthy and they are participating in healthy practices.

Office of Child Care

The Office of Child Care supports low-income working families through child care financial assistance and promotes children’s learning by improving the quality of early care and education and afterschool programs.


Here parents can find fresh ideas for parenting as well as informational forums and tips.

PBS Kids for Parents

PBS Kids for Parents offers resource for parents including topics such as child development, games, cooking activities, advice on various issues, fitness & nutrition, and book recommendations.

Roots & Shoots

Roots & Shoots was founded by the principles of Dr. Jane Goodall and the organization hopes to inspire young people to identify problems in their communities and take action. Roots and Shoots hosts an interactive website that provides resources, service projects, and youth-led campaigns.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus

News of the coronavirus COVID-19 is everywhere, from the front page of all the papers to the playground at school. Many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be. Here is some advice from the experts at the Child Mind Institute.

Tangible Support for Immigrant Communities During COVID-19

Immigrants Rising is committed to serving undocumented communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They put together a list of resources to help undocumented immigrants navigate the crisis.

Think Small

At Think Small they know that the treatment of children affects them at an early age, they offer tips and advice about how to create the best environment for your child.

Tips for Families: Coronavirus

The following resources offer tips for families including age-appropriate responses to common questions, a guide to self-care, and activities for young children experiencing social distancing.

Tips for first time parents, adoptive parents, and parents of young kids.