Breakfast Club Blog


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Education World

Education World provides lesson plans, transition activities, introducing technology ideas, professional development archives, scavenger hunts, and worksheets for classrooms.

Education World: Anti Bullying Lesson Plans

This website is a great resource for educators anti-bullying curriculum which includes lesson plans, interactive activities such as videos and games, literature resources, and scholarly articles.

Embrace Civility

A blog and resource written with a background in law about how to deal with the digital age and how to get students to help decrease cyberbullying going on around them.

Eyes on Bullying

This organization offers information about bullying along with resources, websites, tele-seminars and activities.

Fast Facts About Bullying

This webpage provides insight on cyberbullying as well as resources and campaigns against cyberbullying. There are tips, facts, and ways to get involved in the movement to end cyberbullying.

Great Kindness Challenge

The Great Kindness Challenge is a grassroots movement that is making our schools, communities, and world a kinder and more compassionate place for all. Working together, we joyfully prove that KINDNESS MATTERS!


Helpguide is a nonprofit website that is dedicated to metal health issues.

Inclusion and Respect: GLSEN Resources for Educators

GLSEN’s resources include educator guides, LGBT-Inclusive curriculum, and lesson plans on bullying, bias, and diversity.

International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA)

IBPA’s mission is to advance bullying prevention best practices by:
• Convening research-based forums
• Advocating best practices
• Promoting positive school climate
• Collaborating across disciplines/sectors/fields

It Gets Better Project

Created out of the sheer necessity to bring awareness to severe bullying amongst LGBTQ students, the It Gets Better Project has thousands of videos of people who were formerly bullied and have succeeded to become empowered and strong individuals despite their past situations.

Jed Foundation

JED is a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults.

Kids Helpline

Here is a helpline for kids who need support, there is information on cyberbullying: why it happens, how it happens, and what to do if it happens to you.