Breakfast Club Blog


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Tedx – “Cyberbullying – Save a Life from Your Computer”

Suzannah Townsend explores the link between cyberbullying and suicide in a powerful slam poem and lets you know how you can help.

PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center

PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center unites, engages and educates communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant and interactive resources. PACER’s bullying prevention resources are designed to benefit all students, including students with disabilities. PACER offers digital-based resources for parents, schools, teens and youth.


The NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational safety resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) for children aged 5 to 17, parents, guardians, educators, and law enforcement that uses age-appropriate, 3-D activities to teach children how to stay safer on the Internet

National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Publications and related resources on Internet Safety – Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Safety tips to help protect children from cyber bullying.


An educational resource created by Carnegie Mellon University. Includes tips for dealing with cyberbullying online and in the classroom.

Media Smarts

Resources for teachers on cyberbullying in and around their classroom, what to do about it and lessons on how to teach your students about it.

Kids Helpline

Here is a helpline for kids who need support, there is information on cyberbullying: why it happens, how it happens, and what to do if it happens to you.

Discussing Bullying & Antigay Attitudes

“In this lesson, students examine and discuss responses to the recent suicides that have occurred amid antigay bullying and complete an optional campaign to foster safety and acceptance at their own school.” This website includes copies of handouts, and optional campaign resources.

Novel Helps Struggling Readers Confront Bullying in Schools

“Using a realistic, high-interest novel (The Bully by Paul Langan) and interactive reading strategies, students discuss many issues that surround bullying and consider what they themselves can do to prevent bullying. In a multisession lesson, students read The Bully in stages, discuss the story events and issues related to bullying, and complete graphic organizers to help them organize story information.”

10 Ways Parents Can Prevent Cyberbullying

Tips for parents on how to make sure their children aren’t involved with cyberbullying.

Bullying Prevention in Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

A PDF file that provides instructions for educators on the Positive Behavior Support system (PBS), which includes tactics on preventing cyber bullying, and has detailed curriculum to educate students on bullying.