Afterschool Alliance is an organization dedicated to increasing the availability of after school programs. Information is available on policy and research, facts and research, Lights on Afterschool, Advocate Newsletter, and resource links.
ASCA supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on academic, personal/social and career development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.
The foundation is dedicated to helping students graduate high school prepared to go to college.
Child Trends studies children of all stages of development. They strive to improve the outcome of children by providing research, data, and analysis to people and organizations who actions and decisions affect youth. Topic areas include child poverty, child welfare, early childhood development, education, indicators of child well-being, marriage and family, positive development, parenting, health, and youth development.
The main project of The Forum for Youth Investment is “Ready by 21”, a program which seeks to ensure that youth are healthy, connected and ready for college, work, and life by age 21. They accomplish this through individual effort as well as with the collaboration of leaders in education, business, government, and community-based organizations.
School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.
This website is dedicated to awareness about child abuse and what to do when faced with a child who is abused. The NCAC models, promotes, and delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership.
National Children’s Alliance is a resource that helps local communities find effective and efficient ways to respond to allegations of child abuse by providing support, training, technical assistance and leadership to child-focused advocacy centers.
Afterschool Alliance Poll finds three in four voters want federal, state and local lawmakers to increase funding for after school programs. Check out these resources for an in-depth look at our newest data from our Election Eve/Election Day 2008 poll and an overview of messages that may work best in this economic climate. (Released November 2008)
We call on all federal, state, and local officials to implement this four-part plan to cut crime and violence. Doing so will help America’s children learn the values and skills they’ll need to become good neighbors and responsible adults. Across all ages there are effective programs. Some start before birth, others are proven to work with older kids, even serious juvenile offenders. While no plan can prevent every violent act, this common-sense approach, based on our experience and the latest research about what really works, can make all of us safer.
The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) works to increase student access to postsecondary education, provides professional development of financial aid administrators, and advocates for public policy initiatives that improve student financial assistance.
LD OnLine seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.