Business Directory

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Haiku Deck

This application allows you to create stunning presentations. Beautiful, easy, and shareable presentations, you can make fast and fun, content to share in a blog, or illustrate your ideas with a visual storyboard.

Half of Us

Half of Us provides answers to questions about feeling weird and not understanding your emotions. There are tips and resources on how to feel better and get help if you need it.

Hands on as We Grow

Kids love to play outside and explore nature! On this site you will find many ideas for nature activities for kids to do and create with nature.

Hands On Banking

Hands On Banking is an online program that supplies free instructional resources for kids, teens, and young adults to improve financial skills. The lessons are in accordance with national educational standards for economics and are easy to integrate into classrooms.

Hands on Crafts for Kids

Hands on craft activities that are curriculum based for 2nd-6th grade. Activities are separated by topic with many projects under $1.00 per student!

Hands on Network

Provides resources for volunteers, nonprofits & government, companies, teachers, educators and everyone else who is interested in social change through service-learning opportunities.

Hannah’s Homework Help Station

A website that provides free online resources for kids. The resources include online magazines and newspapers geared towards kids, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference sources.

Harmony Academy SEL Resources

Harmony Academy offers a social and emotional learning program for Pre-K-6 grade students, accessible online and at no cost. Harmony fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes boys and girls need to develop healthy identities, create meaningful relationships, and engage productively by providing SEL learning resources, tools, and strategies.

Harvest of the Month

Harvest of the Month provides free monthly materials and resources to help promote healthy choices.


Head Start

Head Start is an office of the Administration and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) that provides material on making smooth transitions from pre-kindergarten to kindergarten. The site provides videos, teacher resources, and partnerships on early learning.

Health and Social Resource for Adolescent Girls

In depth resource site for adolescent girls, approach is fun, clear, and reliable. Covers topics from body issues, periods, dating, and friendships.

Health and Welfare (Idaho)

Idaho’s Independent Living Program assists youth ages 15 to 21 develop the skills necessary to make a successful transition from foster care to independent living. Youth who have been in care for 90 cumulative days after their 15th birthday are eligible for Independent Living services.

Health Connected

Health Connected provides resources for parents and teachers to start a conversation about sex and puberty.

Health Initiative for Youth

Health Initiatives for Youth is a multicultural organization whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of underserved young people through innovative youth leadership, popular education and advocacy, in pursuit of multi-level social change.


The top ten resources for people suffering from depression are located on this site in an answer to many questions that are asked on “My Depression Connection”.

Healthy Activities to Do at Home

Fostering healthy behaviors, staying active, and eating nutritiously at home are vital for children’s development for many reasons, in addition to the obvious. When kids are out of school for any reason, whether it’s the weekend, a holiday break, or a school closure, parents and caregivers can use these activities and resources to keep their kids moving, learning, and eating healthily.

Healthy Behaviors Initiative

The Healthy Behaviors Initiative addresses serious health problems facing students in low-income communities throughout California and most at risk of obesity. Through its work, Healthy Behaviors is demonstrating the important role that afterschool programs can play in addressing the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States.

Healthy Care for Healthy Kids Obesity Toolkit

Resources for preventing childhood obesity and for improving care of children who are overweight.

The resources in this toolkit are designed to help primary care practice teams provide coordinated, integrated and multidisciplinary services to both prevent obesity and improve care for children who are already overweight or at risk for becoming overweight. Includes tools for prevention, assessment and diagnosis, management and treatment and community resources.

Healthy Children is a website designed for parents by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Healthy Green Schools

Healthy Green Schools provides information to teachers and administrators about green schools and why they are important.