Ready-made online lesson plans for teachers to use in their classrooms, just register and the rest is free!
Lesson plans for bullying, anger management, and conflict resolution to build character.
Activities teachers can have elementary students complete to instill compassion and gratitude in their character.
Lesson plans and activities for teachers of middle school aged children separated by teaching subject to help build character and promote kindness among peers.
Provided are activities for Pre School and primary students to build character and self-esteem.
Grounded in academics and linked to real life, Learning to Give lessons and resources apply from kindergarten through high school. Our mission is to provide quality, inspirational, and field tested tools to help K-12 teachers educate, equip, and empower their students to be giving and caring citizens.
This website provides 100 activities for preschool and primary students to build character. is a website dedicated to character education, there are featured blogs, media, and strategies for teachers and parents to use.
A character education show that provides children with lessons in never giving up, encouraging others, and doing your best.
This foundation is dedicated to providing the tools that educators need to teach their students the skills they need to be successful in the social and professional lives.
This foundation is non profit and dedicated to the teaching of kindness in schools and in life, they provide lesson plans and ideas to spread random acts of kindness.
Lesson plans for all categories such as integrity, compassion, and tolerance for middle school students.
Resources for teachers from middle to high school on how to incorporate character building lessons into regular curriculum.
Here teachers can find information about how to incorporate character education into their core curriculum.
Character building through stories and character education lesson plans.
Online character education stories and activities for education professionals and parents.
The Cornerstone for Teachers is a resource to help teachers live a more purposeful and conscious life.
Provides educators with free educational materials that promote respect for differences and appreciation of diversity in the classroom and beyond.
This website provides a teacher-friendly approach to character education and social emotional learning through lesson plans and blogs.
Medi-Cal Access Program is a low-income insurance provided by the State of California for pregnant mothers in order to give adequate medical assistance to pregnant women. MCAP insurance is based on income guidelines and it provides support to expecting mothers.