The US Environmental Protection Agency has many resources for students concerning the environment and other science related subjects. The website provides homework resources, community service projects, teacher resources, and award applications.
EPIC is a national not-for-profit organization that provides effective programs and resources for parents, teachers, and school administrators that help adults raise responsible and academically successful children.
Epigee is a website designed for girls to understand their reproductive health.
The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
ERIC-the Education Resources Information Center provides an online digital library of educational resources and information. Internet based bibliographic full text database of education research and information.
Erika's Lighthouse is a not-for-profit mental health education organization that provides free and effective programs to schools, young adults, families and communities. This organization hopes to raise awareness about the symptoms of depression and the associated stigmas to prevent the suffering of young adults.
Online database of technology based news for educators, including conferences, funding, and computer safety.
The Obama Administration released its blueprint for revising the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in March 2010. Read the blueprint, blog posts, and various documents outlining research supporting the proposal.
Podcasts for English language learners to practice their skills.
ESL Games Plus provides quality ESL games and activities for ELL students covering a wide range of topics to improve vocabulary skills. Students will learn English words, sentence structure, grammar, pronunciation, and phonics.
ESL Gold provides materials, lesson plans, quizzes, and online conversation forums for teachers and students.
ESL Lounge is a site where visitors can access hundreds of lesson plans and materials that promote communicative English in the classroom. There are worksheets, reading comprehension, and communication activities for each level of English proficiency.
ESPN Play Your Way is a youth fitness initiative that empowers kids ages 7 to 12 to get fit and remain physically active. Play Your Way encourages youth to develop games that can be played with traditional and non-traditional materials, and in a wide range of settings. This site features kid-created games and innovative low-cost equipment ideas. Anyone can download all the tools necessary to create their own Play Your Way club.
Students learn the anatomy of a skeleton.
The Afterschool Alliance has updated its, "Evaluations Backgrounder: A Summary of Formal Evaluations of Afterschool Programs’ Impact on Academics, Behavior, Safety and Family Life" as of March 2015.
The Afterschool Alliance has updated its, "Evaluations Backgrounder: A Summary of Formal Evaluations of Afterschool Programs." The update includes new data from ongoing evaluations of Citizen Schools, as well as recently released evaluations of After School Matters, CORAL, a state level evaluation of New Hampshire programs, and findings from two meta-analysis studies and a large-scale quasi-experimental study conducted by Deborah Lowe Vandell, Elizabeth Reisner and Kim Pierce. (Updated July 2008)
The Afterschool Alliance has updated its "Evaluations Backgrounder: A Summary of Formal Evaluations of Afterschool Programs' Impact on Behavior, Safety and Family Life." The update includes new data from ongoing evaluations of Citizen Schools, as well as recently released evaluations of After School Matters, CORAL, LA's BEST, and more. Studies examining health benefits for students and families are also included. (Updated August 2008)
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) is based in Evansville, Indiana and views each of their schools as a "community school" in which businesses, community agencies, and families work together to provide children with the best education possible. EVSC works to establish an infrastructure of support in school communities and providse programs and services that promote the physical, mental, and emotional health of children and their families.