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Data Quest

Create school and district reports on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), Academic Performance Index (API), enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, English learners, state assessment data disaggregated at the school level, like-school rankings.

Dating Tips For Teens & Parents

Numerous dating and relationship tips and information for teens and parents.

Dave’s ESL Cafe

The ESL Café has information on how to teach English as well as a forum for teachers to communicate with one another and learn from each other.

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

A collection of over 150,000 Historical Maps available for free viewing online. The site also includes news articles and videos explaining historical cartography.

Dawn Publications

Dawn Publications is dedicated to inspiring children to have a deeper understanding and appreciation for all life on Earth. The part of the site gives free curriculum for teachers and parents to use alongside certain entertaining books!

Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos Resources

El Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a day of celebration, particularly for the people in Mexico and Central America, and for many Mexican Americans in the United States. It is a day to honor and commemorate the lives of the dearly departed and to welcome the return of their spirits.

Learn all about this cultural holiday with free resources from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino, including a Day of the Dead learning kit, virtual exhibitions, music, stories, videos, and more.

DC Trust

Since 1999, the DC Trust, formerly known as the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, has been proud to work in partnership government, nonprofit, and advocacy groups to create big solutions to the most pressing needs of the city’s youth.

Dealing with Behavior Problems (PDF)

This article promotes positive behavior strategies that have proven to work over the years in lieu of traditional discipline.

Student loans fund education for many college students and provides information about how to deal with debt after you graduate college. They help to teach students how to control and deal with their debt.

Delete Cyberbullying

Delete Cyber Bullying is a website dedicated to research on cyberbullying and how to prevent and stop it. They have multiple resources for people of all ages as well as news articles, updates, and what to do if you encounter a cyberbullying situation.

Delish-Recipes (Kid Friendly Meals)

Delish-Recipes has a lot of healthy kid friendly recipes that will wow even the pickiest of your kids. These healthy meals will have your entire family savoring over dinner, this site encourages parents to allow their children to help them in the kitchen as this will more likely inspire the kids to eat what you have prepared together.

Democracy Class Movement

Democracy Class is a free, nonpartisan curriculum that educates high school students about the importance and history of voting and pre-registers and registers them to vote. Educators will have access to additional lesson plans featuring the history and importance of voting, modern-day voting rights, the importance of local elections, how voting can impact issues in communities, and the 2020 Census


Here, teachers can find guides to service learning in several different disciplines.

Department of Human Services (Colorado)

Colorado’s state web portal has information about foster parents and child welfare.

Deployment Kids

Great, Interesting and entertaining ideas and ways for children to cope and interact with their deployed parent or loved one.

Deportation Defense Guide for the Faith Community

This guide is focused on lifting a case publicly in traditional and social media and placing pressure on immigration services with the help of congregations, the community, and elected officials. Although there is no guarantee, PICO has learned that in lifting up a case in the public sphere, each letter of support from a legislator, each newspaper article, each call from a community member to ICE, and each action taken by those advocating can help stop a deportation.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading peer-directed national organization focusing on the two most prevalent mental health conditions, depression and bipolar disorder, which affect more than 21 million Americans, account for 90% of the nation’s suicides every year, and cost $23 billion in lost workdays and other workplace losses.

Desmos’ Math Resources

Desmos' mission is to help every student learn math and love learning math. With that in mind, they’ve assembled a collection of unique and engaging digital activities, which are free for you and your students.

Detention Watch Network

The Detention Watch Network works through the collective strength and diversity of its members to expose and challenge the injustices of the U.S. immigration detention and deportation system and advocate for profound change that promotes the rights and dignity of all persons.

Dia de los Muertos Lesson Plan – Elementary

This Dia de los Muertos Lesson Plan was created by Vanderbilt University's Center for Latin American Studies. This includes a comprehensive learning plan with art projects that students can create to supplement their learning. This lesson plan was originally written for 5th grade, but can be adapted for grades 3-12.

Content Learning Target: Students will be able to understand the cultural significance of Día de los Muertos traditions.
Language Learning Target: Students will be able to define Día de los Muertos and explain how the holiday honors the deceased.