A PDF file that provides instructions for educators on the Positive Behavior Support system (PBS), which includes tactics on preventing cyber bullying, and has detailed curriculum to educate students on bullying.
Tips for parents on how to make sure their children aren’t involved with cyberbullying.
Information on how parents can deal with cuberbullying and the cyberbullied.
Articles, research, videos, and information on bullying at school as well as online bullying.
This site is a comprehensive resource center for prevention of bullying, harassment, violence, cyberbullying, and school bullies.
Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.
This article focuses on a study of how teens are affected by cyberbullying in comparison to in person bullying.
This website is in support of a book written by three authors with PhDs in psychology about how to prevent and control cyberbullying in the digital age. There are also tips for teens, parents, and educators about how to deal with cyberbullying.
Cyberbully Hotline is tip line that schools can use to have students report incidents of cyberbullying, the website also offers resources for teachers and parents to deal with cyberbullying if a child reports it to them.
With examples, facts, news, resources, and what can be done to help stop bullying, this site is a hub for parents with children experiencing bullying.
This website provides important resources for educators, parents and students to obtain the necessary help in cyberbullying instances.
This article has 4 parts to it, and is all about cybercrimes -- cyberstalking and cyberbullying and how to keep yourself safe from it.
Delete Cyber Bullying is a website dedicated to research on cyberbullying and how to prevent and stop it. They have multiple resources for people of all ages as well as news articles, updates, and what to do if you encounter a cyberbullying situation.
A resource for teachers or parents on lessons about cyber bullying for their kids.
A blog and resource written with a background in law about how to deal with the digital age and how to get students to help decrease cyberbullying going on around them.
This webpage provides insight on cyberbullying as well as resources and campaigns against cyberbullying. There are tips, facts, and ways to get involved in the movement to end cyberbullying.
#ICANHELP is a resource that empowers children and teens to create a positive digital impact and promote digital safety.
Here is a helpline for kids who need support, there is information on cyberbullying: why it happens, how it happens, and what to do if it happens to you.
Resources for teachers on cyberbullying in and around their classroom, what to do about it and lessons on how to teach your students about it.
An educational resource created by Carnegie Mellon University. Includes tips for dealing with cyberbullying online and in the classroom.