Business Directory

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California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS)

An annual collection of basic student and staff data; includes student enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollment, enrollment in alternative education, gifted and talented education, and more

California Careers Resource Network

Find useful links to primary resources, including the student-friendly California Careers Planning Guide and learn about Real Game, the simulation with great potential for cooperative learning and team competition; career interest inventories; SCANS resources; Occupational Information Network.

California Collaborative on District Reform

The California Collaborative on District Reform aims to inform district-level efforts to improve instruction and outcomes for all California students by bringing together practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and funders in ongoing evidence-based dialogue and collective problem solving.

California Department of Education

The CDE website has all of the California academic standards information.

California Department of Education: After School Snack Program

This chart provides information on the key components of four federally reimbursable snack programs to assist out of school time programs in finding the best fit.

California Foster Youth Education Task Force (California)

The California Foster Youth Education Task Force is dedicated to improving the outcomes of educational outcomes for children in foster care.

California Kindergarten Association

The California Kindergarten Association believes that every effort must be made to foster the development of children by encouraging the best practices in teaching and learning. The site provides transitional kindergarten tools and assessments, curricula, teaching tips, and other resources.

California State Board of Education

Policies on Assessment and Accountability.

California State Parks Virtual Field Trips

Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students (PORTS) program provides FREE live interactive videoconference programs, also known as virtual field trips, to expand learning beyond the classroom walls. K-12 students from California and around the world are connecting with live interpretive rangers and learning academic content standards within the context of California’s dynamic state park system.

California Youth Advocacy Network (CYAN)

The CYAN supports youth and adults in advocating for a tobacco-free California. Provides fact sheets and strategies on working on tobacco control with youth.

Calming The Teenage Mind

This detailed article has many different scholarly viewpoints and statistics on how mindfulness teaching has benefited teens, and includes links to literary resources for educators and parents. This article also includes a few videos on mindfulness curriculum implemented in the classroom.


The education and environment initiative allows students to use funding to teach history and science through an environmental lens.

Camp Candlewick

Camp Candlewick is a monthlong online program for avid young readers who may be staying home this summer. Young people in grades K-8 can engage in a virtual book camp that encourages them to take part in shared reads, activities, and streaming events with prominent creators.

Camp Counselor Training

Develop your county camp counselor training program. Workshops led by camp counselor work team.

Camp Games

Camp games is a free collection/list of camp games in a searchable database.

Camp Resource

Directory of summer camps can help you in your search for the best day camps, overnight camps and teen tour/travel camps for the summer. Camp Resource makes your search for coed, boys only or girls only summer camp programs easy by listing summer camps by camp type, camp specialty and regional location.

Campaign for a Creative Generation

The Campaign for a Creative Generation is a global campaign working to ensure that the next generation reaches their full potential to solve society’s greatest challenges. With intergenerational leaders from around the world, the Campaign is dedicated to inspiring, connecting, and amplifying the work of individuals and organizations committed to cultivating the creative capacities of young people.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

A campaign that provides information on state and federal initiatives, as well as research on tobacco and youth.

Campaign Zero’s Policy Solutions

Campaign Zero believes we can live in a world where the police don't kill people. The resources here show we can do this by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability.