The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is a curated space where bloggers from around the world contribute content on a continual basis about a variety of topics relevant to in and out-of-school time. The BOOST Breakfast Club blog is at the heart of an ongoing dialogue where expanded learning and education professionals share their personal thoughts and stories from the in and out-of-school time field. They also tell us what they ate for breakfast!

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Enjoy the brain food.

The BOOST Breakfast Club Blog is Brain Food for In and Out-of-School Time Leaders!

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Author: BOOST Collaborative

#GirlsAre Campaign for Strong, Active Women

BOOST Collaborative is partnering with the Alliance with a Healthier Generation to share the #‎GirlsAre campaign that inspires a new generation of strong, active women. Here are some ways you can get involved: • Visit the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s website, take a quiz, and learn more. • Read Jillian Michael’s blog and hear her story of #GirlsAre Powerful. • Watch the videos...

5 Ways To Prepare For Your Summer Program

If you are an educator responsible for providing a high quality summer program for children and youth in your community, you are probably busy right now with planning for summer. It is easy to fall into the routine of this busy time and you want to make sure you finish the school year strong. Take just a moment to consider some of the proactive things you can do to take your summer program to the ...

BOOST Conference Debrief Guide: 10 Action Strategies

You may have a book of notes, business cards, ideas, and inspiration you brought back from the BOOST Conference. Let’s be honest – we jump right back into our routines and there are many times we put what we brought home aside and tell ourselves that we will get to it later. What if you carved out time to connect with people you met, had a team gathering to debrief what you learned, and revi...

BOOST Conference Insider’s Guide

The 2016 BOOST Conference is next week! Some of our seasoned BOOSTers have shared tips of what to do and where to go while you are in Palm Springs. If you have visited Palm Springs before, what is your tip? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter and use #BOOSTConference   Buy the salsa at El Mirasol’s, to relive your week in Palm Springs until next year.    Read the ENTIRE Conference brochu...

BOOST Breakfast Club 2015 Recap

Thank you for sharing 2015 with us! We look forward to this coming year and creating opportunities for change in educational and social services agencies serving youth in the out-of-school time hours. Our blog has a wealth of resources you and your organization from professionals in out-school-time, youth development, and education from across the globe. Our topics include: 21st Century Learning, ...

Join Our Twitter Chat on the Mental Health Stigma

How Do I Participate? 1. Follow @TEAMBOOST and the hashtag #BOOSTChat on Twitter on Wednesday, May 20th at 6PM PST/9PM EST. 2. Questions will be ordered Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5. To answer Q1, begin your tweet with A1. For Q2, A2 and so on. 3. Include #BOOSTChat to all of your tweets during the Twitter Chat, so others can see what you’re tweeting. 4. Bring questions and/or provide insight! *If you...

Where Hope Grows – A Conversation with Chris Dowling

BOOST Breakfast Club Blogger Kristin Stayer had the pleasure of interviewing Chris Dowling, Writer/Director for the movie Where Hope Grows, which comes out in theatres on May 15. The Synopsis Calvin Campbell is a former professional baseball player sent to an early retirement due to his panic attacks at the plate. Even though he had all the talent for the big leagues, he struggles with the curveba...

Fighting the Summer Slide with a Great Story

What was your favorite book as a child? Do you remember a teacher or adult reading to you? If you were blessed to experience that, what do you remember best about it? I remember my second grade teacher, Mrs. Langdon, reading Charlotte’s Web to us. That’s when I fell in love with Wilbur, reading, and thus, learning. Most afterschool educators are aware of “summer slide,” the...

Join Our Global Learning Chat on Twitter with #BOOSTChat

How Do I Participate? 1. Follow @TEAMBOOST and the hashtag #BOOSTChat on Twitter on Wednesday, January 21st at 6PM PST/9PM EST. 2. Questions will be ordered Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5. To answer Q1, begin your tweet with A1. For Q2, A2 and so on. 3. Include #BOOSTChat to all of your tweets during the Twitter Chat, so others can see what you’re tweeting. 4. Bring questions and/or provide insight! Abo...

Q & A With Preston Pohl, Season 5 Contestant on The Voice

When NBC debuted their new singing competition… The Voice, many people wondered how it might be unique from other shows like it. The difference was made pretty starkly, and in dramatic fashion. First, instead of judges, the show uses coaches who compete to work with singers they think are best, and to mentor them through the show. Secondly, the coaches make their picks solely on the quality ...

Youth Inspiration – A Conversation with Jack Andraka

  BOOST Collaborative’s Program Manager Rachel Ruiz had the pleasure of interviewing Jack Andraka, a Maryland high school sophomore who at age 15 invented an inexpensive and sensitive dipstick-like sensor for the rapid and early detection of pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancers. He learned that the lack of a rapid, low-cost early screening method contributed to the poor survival rate among i...

Intelligence Redefined – A Conversation with Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D

BOOST Collaborative’s Program Coordinator Rachel Ruiz had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Barry Kaufman, an all around funny and inspiring guy with a Ph.D in Cognitive Psychology from Yale University. Kaufman proposed the Theory of Personal Intelligence, which redefines intelligence as the dynamic interplay of an individual’s engagement and ability over time in the pursuit of person...