BOOST Conference 2025 is in a few short weeks, and TEAMBOOST is here to help you plan for your best conference experience EVER! Today, we are spotlighting BOOST 2025 Workshops with content from a Direct Service context.
Direct Service content offers opportunities for discussion that empower attendees to learn new programming techniques, explore curriculum enhancements, and practice their personal skillset as program leaders. All registered attendees are welcome to attend these workshops. Those who are interested in program planning, student success, personal leadership, and growth are encouraged to add these workshops to their BOOST Conference schedule!
Interested in attending these workshops and would like more information? Visit for descriptions!
15 FREE OMG THESE ARE SO COOL TOOLS: Rockstar Resources To Raise Your Youth Engagement Game
Eric Rowles, MS, CEO, Leading to Change, Huntersville, NC
25 Fabulous Enrichment Ideas & Where to Get More
Marisa Miller, Consultant/Writer, Afterschool Publishing, Santa Barbara, CA
A Step-by-Step Guide to Running Student-Led Expanded Learning Classes
Eddie Barragan, After School Coordinator, Vallejo City Unified School District, Vallejo, CA
Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Tyreca Elliott, Manager Inclusion Services; Ashley Itani, MA, Inclusion Services Advisor; Carter Peters, Inclusion Services Advisor, Champions® Before- and After-School Programs, Portland, OR
Amplify, Engage, Inspire: Social Media in Afterschool
Edgar Guzman, Field Supervisor of Expanded Learning Programs; Gladis Lopez, Program Specialist of Expanded Learning, Santa Ana Unified School District, Santa Ana, CA
Beyond the Classroom: UDL Strategies to Engage Every Learner
Michael Baker, MA, Coordinator of Expanded Learning, Santa Ana Unified School District, Santa Ana, CA
BOOSTing Belonging: Empowering Inclusive School Environments for LGBTQ+ Youth
Basel Touchan, M.D., Learning and Development Consultant, History UnErased, Lowell, MA

Co-Creating Authentic & Resilient Intergenerational Leadership: Smartest Practices for Collective Growth and Belonging
Elliot A. Rivera, Resilient Leadership & Belonging Consultant, Providence, RI
The Connecting Adolescent Brain: Developmental Science Insights to Help Middle and High School Youth Thrive
Elise Brumbach, MPP, JD, Director of Policy and Practice; Natalie Saragosa-Harris, Ph.D., Research Associate, UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent, Los Angeles, CA
Connecting STEM to Career Pathways: Integrating Afterschool Programs with Workforce Development
Jamecca Marshall, MA, Deputy Executive Director; William Rochester, MA, Director of Programs, Los Angeles STEM Collaborative, Los Angeles, CA
Cultivating Youth Voice through Entrepreneurship!
Moderator: Katrena Perou, Executive Director, Inspiring Minds NYC, Brooklyn, NY Panelists: Kylie Richardson, CEO, Chucks Round Table, Brooklyn, NY; Arnold Ludd, CEO, Jiggabite Gloves Up Guns Downs, Brooklyn, NY; Sikirat Mustapha, CEO, Sikirat Tutors, Brooklyn, NY; Andrea Ishmael, CEO, Granny and Me, Brooklyn, NY; Joshua Applewhite, CEO, Japplejuice Productions, Brooklyn, NY
Culture, Content & Connections: Unlocking the Secret Sauce of Expanded Learning Success
Ray Trinidad. CEO, !Mpact People, Chula Vista, CA, Co-Founder, !Mpact Players, Chula Vista, CA, Dean of Students, High Tech High Media Arts, San Diego, CA
Differentiating Sports and Physical Activity for Universal Access
Connor Nodell, Program Manager of Physical Wellbeing, Elevo, Costa Mesa, CA; Malaiya Patton, Regional Program Manager, Elevo, Palmdale, CA
Discovering Your Leadership Voice
Juan Alvarado, Founder and CEO, Raize The Bar LLC, Visalia, CA

Emotional First Response: Supporting Youth in Acute Distress through Resilience
Jamaal Williams, Assistant Director of Training; Gil Noam, Ed.D., Dr. Habil., Chair, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR), Cambridge, MA
Empowering Educators: Building Confidence to Inspire Lifelong Learners
Joshua Faden, M.A.T., President/Founder, Community of Teachers, Kensington, MD
Empowering the Future: How the RACECAR Program Prepares Students for the World of Autonomous Vehicles
Lisa Kelley, Program Manager; Christopher Lai, Assistant Technical Staff; Sigrid Flender, Administrative Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
Engaging Teens through School-Based Peer-to-Peer Wellness Programming
Sarah Martin, MPH, Chief Program & Evaluation Officer; Alexis Woodard, MBA, Associate Director of Southern California, HealthCorps, New York, NY
From Distraction to Action: Boosting Students’ Executive Functioning Skills
Sonia Toledo, Ph.D., Founder & CEO, Dignity of Children, Inc., New York, NY
Game Plan for Success: Building Connections and Community
Felix Bobo, MA, Coach, Unlimited University, Perris, CA
Harness the Power of Connection to Transform Student Behavior
Tiffany Burns, M.Ed., Principal, Professor & Author, Ashland SD, Southern Oregon University & Connecting Through Conversation, Ashland, OR; Erika Bare, M.Ed., Superintendent & Author, South Umpqua School District & Connecting Through Conversation, Ashland, OR
High Quality Facilitation: Staff Practices for Program Success
Nathaniel Hilliard, Director, Training & Program Implementation; Crystal Smith, Director, Teen Connection Project, Wyman Center, Inc., Eureka, MO
How to Utilize Distributive Leadership to Develop Student Leaders in Afterschool
Eddie Barragan, After School Coordinator, Vallejo City Unified School District, Vallejo, CA
The Kids Are Ready: Play as a Tool for Social Change
Simone Gamble, MSW, Lead Consultant, OAAARS, New York, NY
Layers of Protection: A Multi-Tiered Approach to Prevent Peer-to-Peer Abuse
Lori Huggins McGary, MBA, National Director, Safety Training & Quality Assurance; Stacey Brooks, MS, National Director, Quality Assurance, BGCA, Atlanta, GA
Leading with Purpose: How Empowered Staff Drive Student Success
Ayodele Coker, M.Ed., Training and Development Specialists III, Think Together, Santa Ana, CA
Leveraging Expanded Learning to Promote Physical & Mental Health and Lifetime Success
Jeff Davis, Executive Director; Troy Selvey, Manager, Equity & Quality; California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA
Lights on Afterschool 101
Tiyana Glenn, MS, Project Manager; Maria Rizo, Sr. Communications Associate, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
Literacy and SEL: A Complimentary Partnership
Michelle Benson, M.Ed., Chief Professional Learning Officer, Center for Responsive Schools, Turners Falls, MA

Mind-Body Enrichment: Creative Expression, Movement, Play, and Rhythm
Johanna Unger, Lead Facilitator and Training, Rhythms of Life, Salt Lake City, UT
Mindfulness, STEAM & Art: Strategies to Center Community Voice
Daniel Hatcher, MPH, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Healthier Generation, Washington, DC
Out on the Field: Building Safe and Inclusive Sports Spaces for LGBTQ+ Youth
Luis Vasquez, Co-Founder, Rainbow Labs, Los Angeles, CA
Panel Discussion with District Partners and Innovators in Inclusive Practices
Moderator: Karin Wu, M.Ed., SVP, Marketing, Learning & Development and Employee Experience/DEIB, Elevo, San Diego, CA Panelists: Mike Taylor, Expanded Learning Program Coordinator at San Rafael City Schools, San Rafael, CA; Esther Garcia, Coordinator of Special Projects, Rowland Unified School District, Rowland Heights, CA; Jessica Gunderson, Co-CEO at Partnership for Children & Youth, Sacramento, CA
Passion to Possibilities: Strategies for Successful Programs
Danny Martinez, MS, Senior Consultant, SCRI, Austin, TX
Pathways to Powerful Partnerships
LeAnn Binford, MM, MA, MBA, Senior Director, Consulting Services, Big Thought, Dallas, TX
Reimagining Career Exploration and Durable Skills Development for Youth
Jing Cox-Orrell, Philanthropy Program Manager, American Student Assistance, Boston, MA; Lexi Ortiz, Digital Partnerships Manager, Big Picture Learning, Providence, RI
Reimagining SEL in School Sports
Christopher Reed, MBA, Director of National Partnerships, Center for Healing and Justice through Sport, (CHJS), Chicago, IL
Roots & Reflections: Exploring Identity Through Personal History Projects
Kimberly Robare, MSEd, Director of Programs; Jazmine Dowdley, Program Manager, Open Doors Academy, Cleveland, OH
SEL Starts with the Staff: Fostering Emotional Wellness Among Out-of- School Time Facilitators and Leaders
Dr. Robin Elliott, Associate Dean, School of Education and Director, Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY; Annie Middlemist, Leadership and Development Consultant/Social-Emotional Learning Implementation Specialist, Phoenix, AZ
Sensory Insights: Using Sensory Preferences to Improve Self-Regulation and Enhance Your Learning Environment
Christina Rodriguez, MA, National Advisor, Trauma-Informed Approaches, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Redondo Beach, CA
Set Up for Your Step Up: Executive Coaching for Youth
Ruth Mercado-Zizzo, MFA, Vice-President, Programs and Equity; LaVonia Montoute, M.Ed., Senior Director, Career Pathways, EdVestors, Boston, MA; Muadi Dibinga, Life Coach, Muadi Dibinga Unlimited, Washington, DC
Short on Time. Big on Impact. The Kernels Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
Penny Willis, MDiv, Senior Trainer and Program Developer, Lions Quest LCIF, Oak Brook, IL
Strategies for an Equitable and Inclusive After-School Program
Mikala Royal, Site Coordinator; Marcel Nelson, Site Coordinator, Bay Area Community Resources, Oakland, CA
Summer Teen Late Night: Providing Safe Options for Teens through Collaboration
Sheryl Blessing, Youth Services Recreation Supervisor, Metro Parks Tacoma, Tacoma, WA
Supporting the Whole Child: Developing Community Partnerships That Address Equity
Hamza Al Haidari, Chief Growth Officer, America Scores, San Francisco, CA; Georgia Tyrrell, M.Ed., Expanded Learning Program Director, Pajaro Valley Unified School District, (PVUSD), Watsonville, CA

Tailoring Activities for Early Learners: A Brain-Based Approach
Rachel Carrasco, Early Education Manager, Woodcraft Rangers, Los Angeles, CA
Take Back Their Brains! How to Fight Disconnection, Disinformation & Digital Addiction
Ryan McCarthy, Executive Director, Global Kindness Initiative, San Francisco, CA
Transforming Academics with AI: Creating Interest-Driven, Real-World Learning Experiences for K-12 Students
Kenyatta Funderburk, MS, Executive Director, Community Change, Inc., Bronx, NY
Uncover Your Purpose: Discovering and Defining Your Way
Dwayne Wiggins, Jr., Thought Leader & Motivational Coach, A Human. Being!, Philadelphia, PA
Understanding and Mitigating Bullying: A Comprehensive Approach for School Personnel
Eric Landers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Using Boardgames to Foster Critical Thinking and Emotional Stability
Greg Thatcher, MSPH, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Fresno State University, Clovis, CA
WE>ME: How to Get Students, Caregivers, and Staff to Work as a Team
Lance Loya, MS, CEO, The Good Teammate Factory, Windermere, FL
The Why Behind the Importance of Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Your Out-of-School Time Programs
Kerri Kubacki, Strategic Quality Business Partner, Jen Fairburn, Strategic Quality Business Partner; Bonnie Rogers, Sr. Manager Quality and Accreditation, Champions® Before- and After-School Programs, Portland, OR
Yelling 2 Yoga: Powerful Skills to Beat Burnout and Help Students Succeed
James Woods, MFT, Director, Dat Yoga Dude, Corona, CA
Yoga Animals
Tara Stiles, Co-Founder Strala Yoga, Sharon, CT

Get ready for this one-of-a-kind professional development experience, where local, national, and global leaders gather to grow together, build community, and co-create a great world for kids. Together we INSPIRE YOUTH, INSPIRE LEARNING, and INSPIRE CHANGE.
Still need to register for BOOST 2025? Visit for more information.
BOOSTers, we can’t wait to learn with you April 29 – May 2, 2025, in sunny Palm Springs!
Start planning your conference experience TODAY!