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BOOST GTKY 2024 – Let’s Get to Know BOOST Leadership Team Member, Justin Griffin!

Let's get to know Justin Griffin BOOST Leadership Team Member.

Nice to Meet You!

Did you know that the In and Out-of-School Time field has some of the greatest working professionals that ‘Inspire Youth, Inspire Learning, and Inspire Change’ year-round? TEAMBOOST proudly features BOOST Partners, Ambassadors, and Leadership Team members in the GTKY (Getting to Know You) collaborative blog series! Next up… let’s Get To Know BOOST Leadership Team Member, Justin Griffin (He/Him).

Thank you, Justin, for your meaningful contributions to the BOOST community! We appreciate you!

Get to Know BOOST Leadership Team Member Justin Griffin (He/Him)

Justin is the Owner of Pure Joy Enrichment, Inc. in Corona, CA.

What is one thing that motivates you? Share your inspiration.

The Youth. I’m inspired by the youth because I know that with my undivided attention, I can truly have a positive impact daily. There are not too many things in life where you can instantly get a fulfilled feeling like when it comes to inspiring the youth.

A photo of Justin's dog, a Shiba Inu named Jordan.Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about them!

Yes, I have a Shiba Inu named Jordan. I have had him for three years now since he was a puppy. He reminds me to stay on top of things, first starting with his meals and pick-ups every time he uses the bathroom. He only comes up to you if he wants to play or is hungry, other than that he just keeps to himself.

What go-to song would you sing at Karaoke night?

Sweet Lady by Tyrese

Share any unique hobbies or talents.

I enjoy listening to and/or watching people who are accomplished. I listen to what I relate to and what I can implement in my life to be better.

Favorite animal noise?

A hawk’s call



What is your most treasured book to read? 

“The Book of Joy” by the Dalia Lama and Desmond Tutu. I am currently reading/listening to “Invisible Loss” by Christina Ramussen.

Share an inspirational quote that resonates with you. A photo of Justin and his family. His wife and two children, and his Shiba Inu named Jordan.

“If you don’t believe it, you won’t achieve it.” Everything I have gotten in life, stemmed from an inner desire and personal belief to accomplish it. If I didn’t believe it myself, it didn’t matter who believed in me.

If you could be any person for a day, who would you be and why?

Michael Jordan. I would like to know what it feels like to wake up knowing you were the best to ever play basketball and also what it feels like to run an empire.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

Surround myself with great people, set goals for myself, strive to be better every day, push through any adversity, and know it will pass.

If you really knew me you would know that…
My motto is 10SmilesaDay. I try to put myself in a positive mindset, to make 10 random people smile a day.

Today for breakfast I had…

From all of us here at TEAMBOOST, thank you, Justin, for sharing your leadership with us. You are a wonderful partner and a shining light for youth!

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BOOST Collaborative is a unique, purpose-driven organization committed to supporting those serving youth in the out-of-school time hours by providing quality professional development, opportunities for networking & partnerships, and leadership training. Together, we make a difference.

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