BOOST Online Training & Learning Community FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

REGISTRATION (No cost training)
I am not sure if I am registered, who can I contact?

If you are unsure if you have registered for a training please email DO NOT register yourself again as this will create a duplicate account and take away a slot from another person.

I did not receive an email confirmation after signing up for training, what should I do?

If you did not receive an email confirmation for a training please contact DO NOT register yourself again as this will create a duplicate account and take away a slot from another person.

I did not receive the link for the online training, what should I do?

The link for the online training is sent out to all registered participants the day before the scheduled training. All training information is sent to the email address you provided to us upon registration.

Does BOOST offer a waiting list for online trainings that are sold out?

We do not currently offer a waiting list for our trainings. Please sign up early as space is limited in all of our sessions.

Do I need any supplemental materials in order to participate in the training?

We will list any materials needed to participate in the training description and a reminder will be included in the email sent to you one day prior to the training date along with the link to login.

REGISTRATION (Fee-based training)
All of the FAQs listed above are inclusive of fee-based trainings. 
I registered for a workshop, but I can’t attend. Can I get a refund?

We do not issue refunds. However, you can give your registration to another educator to use. If you do that, we request that you contact us so we can update the participant list. Please email

How do I submit payment for online trainings that are fee-based?

You can submit payment via credit card in your online account. If you are mailing a check payment, please mail your payment to: 1286 University Avenue, #739, San Diego, CA 92103 prior to the training date.

Are online training sessions being recorded?

We do record some of our training sessions for record-keeping, training, and quality-assurance purposes. Some of our trainings may be uploaded to our YouTube channel within a few days after the session. You can subscribe here.

How do I know if this training is relevant to my work?

Each workshop is categorized by target grade level and target audience based on your job role(s) and responsibilities.

Target Grade Levels

High School
Higher Ed

Target Audiences based on your job role(s) and responsibilities

Upper-level Administration (e.g., manage an organization, manage a budget, fundraise, and/or work with a governing board)

Mid-level Administration (e.g., manage/ direct one or more program sites)

Capacity Building (e.g., provide professional development, provide technical assistance, monitor programs, evaluate programs, and/or conduct research)

Direct Service (e.g., work directly with children/youth)

How do I get a Certificate of Attendance/Completion?

Immediately following the live training session, we will send all participants an email to complete a workshop evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will be provided a link to download a certificate.

If you are participating in a paid training session, you will automatically receive a link to complete an evaluation and download your certificate immediately following the training.

How can I participate as a speaker in a BOOST Online Training & Learning Community?

We are always seeking creative and interactive workshops for our global educators.
Please submit an RFP and we will contact you to discuss your topic. Please note that our trainings are non-promotional and non-commercial learning opportunities to support the field. Thank you!

What will I need to participate in online training?

Please show up at least 10 minutes prior to the start time (no late entries will be admitted) with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and ready to actively participate. Please make sure that you have downloaded Zoom 5.0 which is required to join online meetings.

How do I ensure that I will receive email communication from BOOST?

Please add the following email addresses to your address book to ensure that you receive our emails directly to your inbox. (questions about the registration process, payment information) (questions about the training schedule or content) (monthly newsletters and updates on training opportunities)

How do I get on the BOOST mailing list? 

To ensure that you are on our mailing list, please sign up to receive our newsletters here.

How can I follow up with the speakers?

Please visit our Speaker’s Corner and/or Vendor’s Marketplace on the BOOST Cafe to contact our speakers directly.