
  • Carola Secada posted an update 8 years ago

    It’s amazing how little we think about our big toe, until we stub it. Or how breathing just happens effortlessly, until our nose gets clogged. Our health is something that we don’t think about much, until it’s compromised. After all, if everything is working fine, what’s there to think about? But, when we’re not 100% or even 95%, all of a sudden, we tune into the importance of health. Sure, a fever or a bad knee can slow you down… missing work, missing school, managing pain, not sleeping, not exercising, maybe even getting depressed; but, what we find interesting is that the intensity of our negative thoughts or feelings when we are sick or injured is far greater compared to those of positivity or celebration when we are actually healthy. In fact, it’s not even close. We’re pretty sure you understand that health is a precious thing. It’s key to experiencing life and being all we can be. So let’s really commit to being responsible for it and celebrating it, once and for all. Our bodies are fine-tuned machines that depend on us to do our part to keep them running. So let’s get picky about what we fuel our bodies with, understand them better, and do what it takes to keep them humming. Our health matters.