What is a forum and how can I participate?
The BOOST Cafe forum, or message board, is an online discussion board where anyone in the out-of-school time field can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. You can share exciting news, ask questions, or seek/share opinions in each of our categories.
How is the forum set up?
Our forum is divided into categories, topics, and threads.
Categories include:
- Program Design, Development, and Quality
- Partnerships and Building Relationships
- Staff Leadership and Management
- Storytellers
- Front Line Staff
- Sustainability
Once you’ve found a category that you are interested in, browse through the topics to see if a conversation has already been started about your area of interest. If so, you can comment on the thread that has already been created. If not, you can create a new topic and share.
Can anyone create a topic or comment in the forum?
Yes! All you need is an account. We just need to make sure you’re not a robot.
Interested in creating a group?
BOOST has created this option so that your site or program can speak to each other privately in a forum setting. Or, if you are highly interested in a specific topic and are willing to moderate the conversation, start a group and leave it open for anyone to join! Visit https://boostcafe.org/groups/ and go to “Create a Group”. You can select whether the group is:
Public (any site member can join this group; this group will be listed in the group directory and in search results; group content and activity will be visible to any site member)
Private (only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group; this group will be listed in the group directory and in search results; group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group)
Unlisted (Only users who are invited can join the group; this group will not be listed in the group directory or search results. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.
How do I fill out my profile?
- Once you are logged in, go to the top right corner of the page where you see your name.
- Choose “Profile” in the dropdown menu and select “Edit”. Be sure to fill in both the “Essentials” and “More About Me” tab to reach 100% profile completion!
- You can edit your Privacy Settings by select “Everyone”, “Only Me”, “All Members”, or “My Friends” next to each question in your profile.
I’m receiving too many emails. How do I choose what email notifications I want to receive?
- Once you are on your profile page, choose “Settings” on the menu bar and select “Email”. There, you can choose which types of emails you would like to receive.
How do I add friends?
- Navigate to “Community” in the top menu and select “Members”. This provides you with a list of all members. On the right hand side, select the green “Add Friend” button.
How do I post a job?
- Navigate to “Careers” in the top menu, highlight “Jobs” in the drop-down menu, and select “Post a Job”
When does my job posting expire?
Your listing will be live for 2 months! Once your posting expires, it will no longer be visible on our site. You can repost it at any time by navigating to “Careers” > “Jobs” > “Manage Job Listing”. If you fill the position before 2 months, you can edit your listing at any time by marking the position “Filled”. This will remove it from the site but store it for you for future use.
How can I become a Breakfast Club blogger?
Email our BOOST Breakfast Club Blog Manager, Katie Lorge, at breakfastclub@boostcollaborative.org for more information on how to become a blogger.
What is the BOOST Conference?
The BOOST Conference is the largest, most recognized and comprehensive global convening for after school, expanded learning, and in and out-of-school time professionals. Set in a retreat-like atmosphere, this annual, extraordinary event will rejuvenate your passion, boost your direction for quality programming and provide tools and resources that will inspire you to create change. Register to attend at www.boostconference.org
How do I advertise my product/service on BOOST Cafe?
Visit our Advertising Opportunities to learn more or write to hello@boostcafe.org to set up a call to see what opportunity may be the best fit!
Don’t see your question on this list? Reach out to us at hello@boostcafe.org!