Meeting of the Minds: All Hands on Deck – Using Collective Impact to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline (Part 2)
Meeting of the Minds: All Hands on Deck – Using Collective Impact to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline (Part 2) Moderator: Dr. Rebecca Mendiola, CEO, Collective Impact Solutions, San Diego, CA Presenters: Tia Martinez, JD, CEO, Forward Change, San Francisco, CA; Rhonda Beasley, Coordinator, Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, CA; Dr. Rebecca Mendiola, CEO, Collective Impact Solutions, San Diego, CA; Special Guest: Tiffany Gipson, Program Director: Quality Initiatives, California Afterschool Network, Sacramento, CA This online presentation is the second part of this series sharing a brief introduction of a collective impact effort bringing together national, state and local experts to create a single system of support across a county system to improve education and dismantle the school to prison pipeline. Presenters will also discuss how we should think of our work differently in our current system. PK, E, M, H, HE