The #BOOSTChat is a shared online conversation among educators hosted by experts on specific topics. We provide a forum for conversation through our Twitter Handle @TEAMBOOST. The #BOOSTChat format is a Q & A series for participants to engage, ask questions, and share their experiences on the topic.
Are you interested in hosting or joining a #BOOSTChat?
We want to hear from you! Please submit this #BOOSTChat Ideas & Suggestions form to let us know if you would like to host a chat and to share your thoughts and ideas. Questions? Email hello@boostcafe.org

#BOOSTChat schedule coming soon!
Keep checking back for updates about future #BOOSTChat opportunities.
#BOOSTChat Guide for Participants
What is a Twitter Chat?
- Include #BOOSTChat in all your posts so that participants and speaker(s) can see your question or comment.
- Stay on topic with the discussion. You will be able to follow the discussion by looking for Q1 (Question 1) and A1 (Answer 1).
- If you have a private Twitter account, people won’t be able to see your posts unless they are following you. Be sure to change your privacy settings to participate in the chat.
- Let your followers know beforehand you will be participating in the chat so they can join in the discussion!
- Direct Message the speaker(s) or other participants after the chat for further discussion and more information.
- Though the #BOOSTChat is a casual environment, please remember that the chat is public. Be respectful and appropriate in every tweet you post.
Simply type in #BOOSTChat into your Twitter search to see the chat feed. When asking questions or making comments, you must use #BOOSTChat in order for your tweet to come up in the chat feed. Another method is to go to tchat.io and type in the hashtag #BOOSTChat to more easily follow the conversation.
We welcome all out-of-school time and youth development educators on the chat, as well as participants interested in the topic for the month.
The #BOOSTChat is a time for educators to participate in a discussion on how to improve outcomes for youth and receive free resources. The chat is not a forum for promoting your organization or company. There will be networking time at the end of the chat for you to connect with any participant and provide information on the services you offer.
Twitter Chats are fast paced and not every post can be seen or responded to by the speaker(s). Try re-posting your tweet and we will do our best to ensure the speaker(s) answer your questions. Is your Twitter account private? Be sure to change your privacy settings to participate in the chat.
I’m unfamiliar with hashtags and am not sure what some of the hashtags used in the conversation are.
We recommend reading this article and familiarizing yourself with popular education hashtags before you join the chat. Please visit www.edudemic.com/twitter-hashtag-dictionary/ for more information.
You can submit your #BOOSTChat feedback here.
Also, please Direct Message @TEAMBOOST on Twitter or email communications@boostcollaborative.org with any questions or feedback.