Transitional Kindergarten
The California Kindergarten Association believes that every effort must be made to foster the development of children by encouraging the best practices in teaching and learning. The site provides transitional kindergarten tools and assessments, curricula, teaching tips, and other resources.
Pleasant Valley School District in Camarillo, California has put together a Transition Kindergarten Curriculum to support their current kindergarten curriculum. They designed it to incorporate the same themes the Kindergarten teachers are teaching in language arts from the Houghton Mifflin adoption so TK teachers would be included in kindergarten planning times.
This manual describes an approach to enhancing children’s transitions into kindergarten. This approach, developed as a collaborative effort among researchers at the National Center for Early Development & Learning Kindergarten Transition Project at the University of Virginia and local school personnel, focuses on forming a network of social connections that support children and families during the transition to school
Getting Children Ready for Kindergarten is a guide for teachers and caregivers of Preschool children that was developed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services and the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education. The guide can be used as a curriculum resource that discusses: expressiveness and language comprehension, approach to cognition, print knowledge, mathematics, and the social, emotional and physical development.
Head Start is an office of the Administration and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) that provides material on making smooth transitions from pre-kindergarten to kindergarten. The site provides videos, teacher resources, and partnerships on early learning.
The Ready Freddy program was created in collaboration with Pittsburg Public schools and community members in an effort to increase school readiness in low income urban communities. The Ready Freddy Program’s success comes from the following elements: transition teams, kindergarten clubs, parent engagement, attendance, and welcoming schools.
TK California is an online repertoire for easy to use resources for teachers and administrators for their transitional kindergarten classes. The site provides planning ideas for the curriculum, tips to prepare for the first day of school, and effective strategies that can be used throughout the school year.
The California Department of Education hosts a website that answers thirty of the top questions pertaining to transitional kindergarten. Many of these questions discuss general topics concerning transitional education that address issues that range from eligibility to specific needs of English Language Learners (ELL) students.
Get Ready to Read provides plenty of free resources for teachers and parents to promote literacy to their children before ever entering kindergarten. By preparing them before they start school, students will be more likely to keep up with their classmates and maintain a high reading level.