Breakfast Club Blog

Math Curriculum

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Over 7,500 free printable worksheets organized by subject and month, teaching tips organized by topic.

New Visions

For units to have purpose, they need to grow as living documents. We encourage teachers to adapt these units and then come together and share their ideas and experiences towards this curriculum through the Knowledge Base of New Visions.

AAA Math

A collection of thousands of pages of math lessons K-8 level.

Ask Dr. Math

Search the archive for FAQ’s, and formulas for Elementary through College mathematics.  Students can also e-mail Dr. Math with any math related questions.

BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper for Math

BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper has resource links to algebra, geometry, calculus, and trigonometry.

Blue Pelican Math

Complete Algebra I, Algebra II (Alg 2),Pre_Calculus (Pre-Cal), and calculus curriculum, one lesson a day, step by step, with reviews, tests, fully worked assignment & test keys, calculator videos, and a video of each lesson being taught by the author, Charles Cook.

Cool Math for Teachers

Cool Math has numerous options for interactive and fun math projects in the classroom including templates for an e-portfolio so that your student can compile his/her work and display it online.

Figure This!

Exciting and challenging middle school mathematics questions related to real life scenarios.

Flex Math Engaging, Interactive Lessons

FlexMath began as a series of software lessons and practice activities developed over years of instruction by master-teacher Todd McPeak for use in his own Algebra intervention classroom. As Director of Math Instruction for Leadership Public Schools (LPS), Todd expanded and organized this content into an Algebra course paired with a stand-alone support curriculum.

Free Math

FreeMath was developed by conducting a complete analysis of math textbooks from a variety of different sources (including math textbooks from the highest scoring school district in Florida). From this base of information, we were able to create a detailed list of the specific math skills that should be taught in each elementary grade.


Free interactive activities and lessons for K-12.