Breakfast Club Blog

Financial Literacy

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The WingaDoos are a band of musical pigeons that teach kids K-3 the basics of financial literacy and responsible financial decision making through interactive stories. WingaDoos is available for both in the classroom and at home.

VentureLab Youth Entrepreneurship Resources

Dive into VentureLab’s extensive collection of Youth Entrepreneurship Resources. Whether you’re an educator, parent, or student, discover tools, activities, and guides designed to foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking in young minds. Explore today and empower the next generation of diverse innovators and changemakers.

The Mint

The Mint seeks to guide young people and their families to be money smart so they can realize their dreams. This website provides expert advice, hands on activities, and creative resources on how to make financially sound decisions for a bright future.

The Actuarial Foundation

The foundation is a non-profit organization that is devoted to improving people’s lives by educating them on management of personal and corporate risk. The foundation provides free curricula, resources, and activities for teachers and student to increase financial literacy.


Spent is an online game and challenges players to survive the struggle of low-income living.

Practical Money Skills For Life

Practical Money Skills For Life is a program developed by Visa and leading consumer advocates, educators, and financial institutions to help students learn the essentials of personal finance. The website provides a wealth of information to educators interested in improving financial literacy including lesson plans and educational games for the classroom. This website not only includes lessons for children from pre-kindergarten to college level but also includes material for teaching money sense to students with learning disabilities.


Payback is an online game that nudges students to think about how to succeed in college without taking on excessive student debt.

NEFE High School Financial Planning Program

The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) provides a financial literacy program that focuses on personal finance skills that are relevant to young adults. The program is organized with six topics that include planning, borrowing, earning capability, investing, financial services, and insurance. The High School Financial Planning Program provides a variety of forty-five minute lesson plans and a collection of online resources.

National Financial Educators Council

National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) is an independent organization that provides practical financial education to people of all ages. The personal financial curriculum includes instructors’ guides, testing, games, and other educational resources. The literacy programs are intended to prepare students to manage their own personal finances, prevent high school dropouts, and improve graduation rates.

National Endowment for Financial Education

NEFE’s financial workshop kits provide money management tips for taking control of their finances.

My Money

MyMoney is the US government’s website devoted to educating all Americans about the basics of finances. The website’s youth tab provides information, fun facts, and games intended to help the next generation plan for the future.