Breakfast Club Blog

Digital Learning & Apps

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Use DocsTeach to teach with documents using the National Archives online tool. Locate teachable primary sources. Find new and favorite lessons and create your own activities for your students.


Duolingo is an app for free language education. This app is available on the web, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone


Animoto allows you to create and share videos.


Spent is an online game and challenges players to survive the struggle of low-income living.


Payback is an online game that nudges students to think about how to succeed in college without taking on excessive student debt.

Gen i Revolution

Gen i Revolution is an online game for middle and high school aged students to gain personal financial skills and compete against students their age.

FoolProof Academy

FoolProof provides teachers a completely remote, turnkey and free consumer life skills curriculum.


Banzai is an interactive, award-winning course that has taught millions of students real-world finance.


SoloLearn is an online platform where anyone can learn to code.


freeCodeCamp is an online interactive coding school that teaches coding through an established curriculum.


Edabit offers bite-sized coding challenges that simulate what programming is like in the real world.


Dash is an online course that teaches the basics of web development.