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College Prep

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Here students can search for specific scholarships as well as get information they need to find other scholarships that may apply to them.

College Prowler

College Prowler is a college search engine that has created insider college guides that are written by actual students on campus. The site has more than seven hundred thousand student reviews that cover over seven thousand schools. In addition the website has a data base for over 3.2 million scholarships.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Provided by the US Government, provides tools and resources to help students make the best decisions for their college education finances.

Credit Card Insider

Credit Card Insider provides information to anyone about how to manage their finances and credit. It also provides a vast amount of information for students on loans, credit, and other expenses they have to deal with. There is a blog that is constantly updated with the all current trends and information that anyone needs to deal with financials.

Student loans fund education for many college students and provides information about how to deal with debt after you graduate college. They help to teach students how to control and deal with their debt.

ECMC Foundation

The ECMC Foundation works with low income, first-generation college bound student on how to plan for college, succeed academically and pursue their academic dreams. The foundation provides students with resources to polish college applications, simplify the financial aid process, and understand financial obligations.


Fastweb is a premier online resource that has already helped students find three billion dollars worth in scholarships. Additionally, the site provides great information on colleges, financial aid, and career planning.


The FAFSA4caster helps students understand FASFA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the options to pay for college. This engine creates personalized estimations for federal student aid and other student savings that can be applied towards college education.


FinAid is a comprehensive website that offers financial aid information, advice on scholarships and applications, and advice on navigating student loans. FinAid also provides objective information for parents and caregivers on how to save for a child’s college education.

Higher Education Services Corporation

The High School Counselors section contains tools and support to help students choose the right college and receive maximum financial aid through comprehensive resources.

I Can Afford College

I Can Afford College is a website sponsored by the California Community Colleges to increase awareness about financial aid opportunities at community colleges. The program provides students with information regarding various aid programs, terms of eligibility, and how to begin college applications.

Mapping Your Future

Learn how to prepare high school students for life after graduation and direct students and parents to career, college, and financial aid information in your state.