Breakfast Club Blog


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Cyberbullying and Online Teens

This article focuses on a study of how teens are affected by cyberbullying in comparison to in person bullying.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.

Bullying Statistics

This site is a comprehensive resource center for prevention of bullying, harassment, violence, cyberbullying, and school bullies.

Bullying Information Center

Articles, research, videos, and information on bullying at school as well as online bullying.

Brochures on Cyberbullying (Elizabeth Englander, PhD)

Information on how parents can deal with cuberbullying and the cyberbullied.

10 Ways Parents Can Prevent Cyberbullying

Tips for parents on how to make sure their children aren’t involved with cyberbullying.

Bullying Prevention in Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

A PDF file that provides instructions for educators on the Positive Behavior Support system (PBS), which includes tactics on preventing cyber bullying, and has detailed curriculum to educate students on bullying.

This website has resources on bullying and cyber bullying, videos and games to educate students on bullying, and provides resources and information for adults and educators as well.

Discussing Bullying & Antigay Attitudes

“In this lesson, students examine and discuss responses to the recent suicides that have occurred amid antigay bullying and complete an optional campaign to foster safety and acceptance at their own school.” This website includes copies of handouts, and optional campaign resources.

Novel Helps Struggling Readers Confront Bullying in Schools

“Using a realistic, high-interest novel (The Bully by Paul Langan) and interactive reading strategies, students discuss many issues that surround bullying and consider what they themselves can do to prevent bullying. In a multisession lesson, students read The Bully in stages, discuss the story events and issues related to bullying, and complete graphic organizers to help them organize story information.”

The Learning Network: April Fools!

“In this lesson, students reflect on their reactions to practical jokes. They discuss the social function and personal benefits of practical jokes by contrasting good jokes with bullying and harassment. Then, they create mock scenario proposals for a good-spirited prank television show episode.”

Welcoming Schools: a Project of the Humans Rights Campaign Foundation

The Humans Rights Campaign Foundation provides teachable moments, resources, and information for experts in your area to address bullying. The site also provides articles on embracing family diversity and avoiding gender stereotyping.