Breakfast Club Blog

Alcohol and Drugs

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Operation Prevention Classroom Resources

Operation Prevention’s classroom resources provide educators with engaging tools that are aligned to national health and science standards and integrate seamlessly into classroom instruction. Through a series of hands-on investigations, these resources introduce students to the science behind opioids and their impact on the brain and body.

Resources are available for elementary, middle, and high school grade levels.


AlcoholEdu® for High School

AlcoholEdu® for High School is an online alcohol education and prevention course. AlcoholEdu® for High School takes a public health approach to alcohol education in schools, incorporating evidence-based prevention methods to create meaningful results. Through this scalable online program, which has been proven to reduce negative consequences associated with underage drinking, schools can reach all students with a consistent message and empower them to make safer and healthier decisions about alcohol.

Red Ribbon Week Resources

Natural High has created FREE, research-based, and award-winning content to teach students about Red Ribbon Week.

Born This Way Foundation

In order to foster a more accepting society and empower youth, The Born This Way Foundation was established in 2011 to be a safe place for young students who are being bullied, have been abused, or who have drug and alcohol dependencies.

California Department of Education

The CDE website has all of the California academic standards information.

7 New Dangerous Trends

Teenagers are continually trying to find new ways to push boundaries through alcohol and drug use. This website illustrates  7 new dangerous trends that are circulating nationwide among teens.

National Partnership for Smoke Free Families

Effective strategies to help pregnant smokers quit and spread the word about effective, evidence based treatment.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

A researched-based guide on prevention of drug abuse including risk factors, applying programs, and selected resources.

National Families in Action

NFIA is committed to helping families and communities prevent drug use among children promoting policies based on science.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

This website illustrates how parents can help steer their children from the dangers of underage drinking with 5 simple steps.

Join Together

From the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, this organization is an all encompassing site with current news, in depth resources, and information on laws and funding.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

A campaign that provides information on state and federal initiatives, as well as research on tobacco and youth.