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Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards

The Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards was developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) to communicate to English Language Learners (ELL) stakeholders the language practices that all ELLs must acquire in order to master the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The goal is to ensure well crafted English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards so that students receive the rigorous education they need to graduate high school and be college ready.


EngageNY provides a toolkit for parents to work with their children at home and further their common core learning.


EduCore is a website that is dedicated to providing educators with easy access to professional development resources aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The site provides tools for teaching the Standards, activities for teachers to make the Standards sustainable, and much more.

Educators 4 Excellence

Here are some recommendations from the classroom for implementing common core.

Digital Resources

These are digital resources that help foster creativity, collaboration, and research that follow the core curriculum maps.

Core Learning Resources

Core Learning Resources was launched to help teachers and students improve academic achievement in classrooms. We’ve provided a space for resource sharing. We’ve mapped Internet content to the core standards, you can access kid-friendly websites to show students what the standards say and represent.

Common Core Works

Common Core Works was created by the Great City Schools to provide reliable information, tools, and resources for applying the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics, and the Next Generation Science Standards. The site provides videos, road maps, and resources to support quality instruction and raise student achievement.

Common Core State Standards: Implementation Tools And Resources

The Common Core State Standards: Implementation Tools And Resources is a list of tools and resources that support state education agencies, districts, and educators to implement the Standards. The guide provides information on instructional support, implementation planning, connecting English Language Learners to the Standards, and defining college readiness.

Common Core Pinterest

This collection of common core information provides resources to material to better understand the evolving realm in education.

Achieve the Core

This website gives educators information about working with common core.

Title I, Part A Accountability

Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in California’s highest-poverty schools.