Business Directory

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Amplify Your Voice

Amplify is a youth driven community dedicated to changing society’s dysfunctional approach to sexual health issues. Through this website you can find forums, chats and resources for LGBTQ youth.


A national movement of children, youth, and adults with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer (LGBTQ) parent/s. We build community and work toward social justice through youth empowerment, leadership development, education, and advocacy.

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

GLMA's mission is to ensure equality in health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and health care providers.

Gay Youth Resources

A gathered list of information, websites and phone numbers for various help lines, hotlines and resources for LGBT youth.

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network

Gay-Straight Alliance Network is a youth leadership organization that connects school-based Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) to each other and community resources through peer support, leadership development, and training.

The Deaf Queer Resource Center (DQRC)

A national nonprofit resource and information center for, by and about the Deaf Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Intersex and Questioning communities (hereafter referred to as the "Deaf Queer community").

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

The leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Established in 1990, GLSEN envisions a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. GLSEN seeks to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes to creating a more vibrant and diverse community.

Multicultural Youth Leadership

Here is a curriculum model for youth professionals to address culture and leadership.

Rochester Institute of Technology

Here are worksheets and activities to teach leadership within the classroom.

Teaching Leadership

This website has multiple activities to use in the classroom to show students how to be good leaders and find their leadership style.


Students can apply to be leaders for UNICEF and join or start different chapters in their own areas.

Youth 2 Leaders

The object of this organization is to highlight and empower youth leaders as well as encourage them to pursue their goals through leadership and service.

Education Week

This Ed Week article describes to teachers how they can aid their students in understanding their role in leadership.


This lesson plan helps students to understand leaders and why they do what they do.

Lessons in Leadership

A lesson in Social Studies as well as a leadership lesson, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom highlights important leadership strategies for high schoolers.

Lifestyle Lounge

Here are some useful leadership activities for students to get moving and employ leadership skills.


5 Inspiring Lessons in Leadership from Simon Sinek, shares the main pronciples od Simon Sinek’s, a leading TED Talk speaker and keynote speaker at the 2015 BOOST Conference, successful leadership methods.

Correctional Education: Guiding Principles

Guiding principles for providing high-quality education in juvenile justice secure care settings. This guide provides current practices/challenges, and recommended improvements to education services in secure care settings.

Increasing Teacher Leadership

This guide helps inspire and educator teachers on how to inspire students in and out of the classroom, through tips on how to adopt leadership practices, and includes various scholarly articles.

Justice Center: Collaborative Approaches to Public Safety

“The Justice Center is a national nonprofit organization that serves policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels from all branches of government. Staff provides practical, nonpartisan advice and evidence-based, consensus-driven strategies to increase public safety and strengthen communities.”