FreeMath was developed by conducting a complete analysis of math textbooks from a variety of different sources (including math textbooks from the highest scoring school district in Florida). From this base of information, we were able to create a detailed list of the specific math skills that should be taught in each elementary grade.
Free interactive activities and lessons for K-12.
This website features a graph maker, a student poll, mind benders, and a “grab bag” of quizzes, puzzles, and games.
MathKEY is a powerful and efficient way to teach math to all elementary students. It presents a sequential listing of all math skills that should be taught in each grade (1 through 5). It is designed to make the math instruction process easier for teachers and parents while also making the learning process more efficient and successful for students.
An easy-to-use website for all things math with lesson plans for K-12.
The math resource provide specific guidlines for developing curriculm in K-8th classrooms.
Online interactive activities related to mathematics and aeronautics. Website also contains lesson plans for hands-on activities for students in 4th-8th grade.
If you need to expand math specific curriculm areas and teaching resources here is a list of sites that will help.
A collection of lesson plans along with important notes on classroom management and the option to form pen pals with students around the world
In addition to thousands of worksheets, graphic organizers, assessment forms, quizzes, games, and activities, TeacherVision offers teacher-tested (and approved!) classroom management tools, lesson plans, bulletin board ideas, whiteboard-compatible digital books, and hundreds of supplementary videos.
SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators serves as the voice for 200,000+ health and physical education professionals across the United States. The organization’s extensive community includes a diverse membership of health and physical educators, as well as advocates, supporters, and 50+ state affiliate organizations.
This girl-friendly Web site helps girls understand how weight-bearing physical activity and calcium can be a fun and important part of everyday life.
Activities and games for elementary youth organized alphabetically by activity title.
The curriculum defines the importance of physical activity to implement in a program to effectively teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Teachers can find resources from ElectriKIDS for lesson plans and other activities to try with their students.
On this site you will find a wide variety of elementary physical education games, including cooperative games and activities, sports games, lead up activities, and much more.
ESPN Play Your Way is a youth fitness initiative that empowers kids ages 7 to 12 to get fit and remain physically active. Play Your Way encourages youth to develop games that can be played with traditional and non-traditional materials, and in a wide range of settings. This site features kid-created games and innovative low-cost equipment ideas. Anyone can download all the tools necessary to create their own Play Your Way club.
Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school nutrition and physical activity program launched by National Dairy Council and NFL, in collaboration with the USDA, to help encourage today's youth to lead healthier lives.
Get up and Do Something is a program to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Nutrition. The program aims to increase regular physical activity and improve the nutritional.
Students and teachers can find interactive games on this site for Physical Education as well as submit their original games for others to use.