Business Directory

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Title I, Part A Accountability

Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in California's highest-poverty schools.

Supplemental Educational Services (SES)

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 enables parents to select supplemental educational services for their children.

Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program

Access resources, including blueprints of standards for each assessment.

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

School plan template and results-based monitoring of categorical programs.

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

California public schools annually provide information about themselves to the community allowing the public to evaluate and compare schools for student achievement, environment, resources and demographics.

State of California Professional Standards

Professional standards in the classroom for teachers that are intended to help them and improve effectiveness.

State of California NGSS California Public Schools

The Next Generation Science Standards are required for all public schools for Kindergarten through 12thgrade

State of California English/Language Arts Content Standards

Kindergarten through 12th grade standards for English/Language Arts in the state of California.

State of California CCSS Resources Parents and Guardians

Parents and guardians can reference this website to better understand the common core standards.

STAR Legacy Tests

Here educators can find information and background about the California Standardized Testing, the different tests and what each one is for.

Public School Accountability Act (PSAA)

Authorizes the creation of an educational accountability system for California public schools. Its primary goal is to help schools improve and to measure the academic achievement of all students.

Program Quality Measurement Tools

The Quality Self Assessment Tools help measure the quality of out of school time programs to make sure they are up to the ever-changing standards.

Program Improvement schools

All schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) are identified for PI under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

New Standards for High Quality After School Programs

Tom Torlakson releases the new quality standards for after school programs

Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)

Required by all local educational agencies (LEAs) in California that receive funds under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001.

Kid-Friendly Standards

Kids can use this website to understand the core standards for themselves.


EDinformatics provides information about state testing as well as practice tests.

Data Quest

Create school and district reports on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), Academic Performance Index (API), enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, English learners, state assessment data disaggregated at the school level, like-school rankings.


The education and environment initiative allows students to use funding to teach history and science through an environmental lens.