Business Directory

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The Samaritans

A 24 hour crisis hotline with the goal of helping people and preventing suicide.

World Health Organization

WHO provides informative information on what is jnown about suicide around the world, at risk groups, and what can be done to help reduce the number of suicide deaths.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program

Yellow Ribbon is spreading the message that it is “Okay to Ask 4 Help! ®” when depressed or having suicidal thoughts as well as providing resources and help to those in need.

Families for Depression Awareness

A national nonprofit organization helping families recognize and cope with depressive disorders to get people well and prevent suicides.


The top ten resources for people suffering from depression are located on this site in an answer to many questions that are asked on “My Depression Connection”.


The signs, treatment, and causes can all be found on this website, which provides information for all mental health questions with page that is specific to depression.

National Mental Health Association (NMHA) Children and Families Resource Page

Fact sheets, guidelines, and information on mental health initiatives.


Psych Central "is a definitive online listing of websites, mailing lists, and support information for online mental health."

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Information about mental health including causes, signs, and services recommended.

Youth Service America

Youth Service America (YSA) supports a culture of youth committed to service learning by promoting campaigns, resources and projects on their website. YSA works hard in order to ensure that kids from diverse backgrounds have the tool to serve in their communities.

Youth Volunteer Corps

YVC creates and supports quality team based volunteer opportunities that students feel make a contribution.


The Y provides many resources that can help adults help children in their areas of interest.


YesKidzCan! works to nurture an interest in philanthropy at an early age. The website provides programs, community service project kits, and other resources that energize children to become agents of change within their communities. YesKidzCan! assists parents and educators with books and ideas about creating dialogue around the importance of community service that makes it fun and engaging for kids.

Service Learning for Social Change

This workbook is helpful for teachers to use in planning service-learning curriculum.

Service Learning Mission Online

This online curriculum helps students plan and carry out their own service projects.

If someone is looking to volunteer in their community they can use this website to locate a place that fits their interests.

Volunteers of America

Volunteers of America provides people across the country with volunteer opportunities locally.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Here, teachers can find a Service-Learning Implementation Guide in PDF form that highlights why service learning is important and the best ways to implement it into schools and communities.

Kids Who Care

Using Kids Who Care, teachers can train themselves to create meaningful instruction through the use of service learning.


Lead2Feed is a team and service learning based program that helps foster teamwork to help students learn and develop important leadership skills.