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Education Outside

Education Outside, a nonprofit organization, produced these engaging environmental activities for K-5 students. Although they're designed to be used during the school year, many of them can be easily adapted for a summer afternoon in the backyard.

Education Place

Lessons for Elementary educators to weave into daily teaching subjects that help build character.

Education Reform Now

Education Reform Now envisions an America in which every child, regardless of class or race, has the social and economic opportunities afforded by an excellent public education.  Achieving this vision necessitates a powerful chorus of voices within the education policy debate advancing a true agenda of reform, and speaking up on behalf of America's children.  Education Reform Now seeks to empower individuals with reliable information so that the chorus will be informed and effective.

Education Week

This Ed Week article describes to teachers how they can aid their students in understanding their role in leadership.

Education World

Education World provides lesson plans, transition activities, introducing technology ideas, professional development archives, scavenger hunts, and worksheets for classrooms.

Education World: Anti Bullying Lesson Plans

This website is a great resource for educators anti-bullying curriculum which includes lesson plans, interactive activities such as videos and games, literature resources, and scholarly articles.

Education: High School

Activities/games for teens that include: SAT preparation, Math, Language Arts, History, and hands-on projects. Free Printable Workbooks

Download these independent study workbooks that offer activities in reading, writing, and math for grades K-5th grade.

Educational Cyber Playground

This website includes a directory of K-12 public, private, and charter schools in all 50 states. View teaching resources for Music, Internet, Technology, Literacy, and Arts and Linguistics.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is a website that provides resources on educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators. The website provides free teachers guides on how to better integrate technology into his/her teaching and developed in a simple step by step process


EducationNext is a resource for anyone interested in education reform, it provides all of the latest news updates and articles as well as a community of people to share opinions with.

Educator Guide to Optimistic Thinking

Aperture Education has made a 33-page "Educator Guide to Optimistic Thinking" available as a form of professional development, along with other "take-home" PD activities.

Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care

"Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care" includes a self-care self-assessment with key strategies for fostering resilience and a self-care planning tool to assist educators in identifying areas of strength and growth related to self-care and developing self-care plans.

Educator Resources: Learn with Smithsonian

A wealth of resources and digital tools support inquiry-based learning and active engagement to spark creativity and curiosity. The Smithsonian Learning Lab allows you to create personal collections and individualized educational experiences. The digital Game Center of the Smithsonian Science Education Center offers fun experiences for the young STEM learner. Smithsonian's History Explorer offers hundreds of free, innovative resources for learning about American history.

Educators 4 Excellence

Here are some recommendations from the classroom for implementing common core.


Find information on helping pick your perfect mentoring style and situation, mentoring functions, and a step-by-step walk through the different phases your mentor-mentee relationship will go through.


EduClipper is a digital clipboard for educators filled with new content from users every single day. It's the perfect resource for educators looking for that special something to add to their lesson plans.


EduCore is a website that is dedicated to providing educators with easy access to professional development resources aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The site provides tools for teaching the Standards, activities for teachers to make the Standards sustainable, and much more.


Edudemic aims to connect teachers, administrators, and students with technology to be successful in the classroom. The site is community based that focuses on resource sharing to promote the marriage of academics and technology. Edudemic has a plethora of topics that range from how to's to infographics that anyone interested in education can access.


EduTecher currently provides links to thousands of web tools and provides concise information on how these tools may be useful in the classroom setting.