Business Directory

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Kinship of Greater Minneapolis helps children, ages 5-15, in need of additional support to realize their God-given potential through adult friendships. Kinship also provides a unique service opportunity for individuals, couples and families to put their faith into action on behalf of children.

Love to Know

Love to know provides fun and engaging youth group acitivites to keep students interested.

National Network of Youth Ministries

The National Network of Youth Ministries links youth workers for encouragement, spiritual growth, and sharing resources, in order to expose every teenager to the gospel of Jesus Christ, establish those who respond in a local church, and disciple them to help reach the world.

North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY)

For over sixty years, the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) has offered thousands of young people the opportunity to explore and live Reform Judaism.

Religious Institute Study Notes

The Religious Institute provides youth development and faith based instruction information.

United Synagogue Youth

USY is a national youth organization that promotes an active social life, social responsibility, and the values of Conservative Judaism.

Building Faith

Building faith provides information on where to find curriculum that is age appropriate.

Children Desiring God

Children Desiring God provides lessons for junior and high school students that encourage youth to develop biblical study skills.

Children Ministry wants to help make sure that kids cultivate their relationship with Jesus, and they’re dedicated to giving you everything you'll probably ever need to resource your ministry.

Creative Bible Study Lessons and Ideas

This website provides plenty of lesson plans and youth faith activities to keep students interested and engage.

Dove’s Nest

This faith community provides resources for teaching youth about worship and how to protect themselves.

EGAD! Ideas

EGAD! Ideas is a collection of online games, activities, and resources compiled for youth pastors and youth workers.  The ideas are submitted by visitors to the site and are edited by the site administrator.

ELCA Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America provides and supports resources, information, networking, and programs for people who serve in ministries with youth and young adults. It’s a place where they are listening to and striving to amplify the voices and the songs of young people, focusing on youth ages 14 to 18.

Energize, Inc.

Energize, Inc. is an international training, consulting and publishing firm specializing in volunteerism.


Faithelement is a free online bible study curriculum to be used for youth and adults.

American Jewish World Service

This is a national Jewish organization that provides service and travel opportunities, education, and advocacy to fight human rights violations and poverty.

Boston TenPoint Coalition

The Coalition is an ecumenical group of Christian clergy and lay leaders working to mobilize the Christian community around issues affecting Black and Latino youth -- especially those at-risk for violence, drug abuse and other destructive behaviors. The Boston TenPoint Coalition is faith-based because faith breeds a sense of hope and provides the nurturing yet structured principles and environment that many youth lack.

Recycle City

Here, students can interact with a city that recycles and will learn how and what to recycle.

School Yard GEOLOGY

This website provides lesson plans on how to teach geology in the school yard by using maps, google earth, and different materials found outside.

TIME for Kids

TIME has a special online edition of their magazine specifically for kids and this environmental section has current events, activities ,and more for children to use to learn about the environment.