Committee for children is a non-profit that works towards bettering children's safety and well being through social and emotional learning. This site provides more information, how SEL is taught, and how it better prepares children.
This collection of common core information provides resources to material to better understand the evolving realm in education.
Free worksheets and free downloads for all Common Core subjects.
Materials that are used to disseminate information about California’s Common Core standards.
Common Core aligned curriculum that keeps the interest of students.
The Common Core State Standards: Implementation Tools And Resources is a list of tools and resources that support state education agencies, districts, and educators to implement the Standards. The guide provides information on instructional support, implementation planning, connecting English Language Learners to the Standards, and defining college readiness.
Common Core Works was created by the Great City Schools to provide reliable information, tools, and resources for applying the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics, and the Next Generation Science Standards. The site provides videos, road maps, and resources to support quality instruction and raise student achievement.
This site was developed to share technology rich resources to promote higher order thinking as well as create student centered learning environments.
Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.
CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond.
Communities In Schools works with public school systems to assess student needs and establishes relationships with local businesses, human service agencies, health care providers and volunteer organizations to provide necessary resources.
The Community and School Engagement Strategy is a program sponsored by the Family League of Baltimore that integrates academic enrichment, health and social supports, strong families, and healthy communities to provide resources that are open to all community members. The program partners with cultural institutions, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, and schools to provide services that include out of school time programs, activities to develop new skills, and nutrition resources.
In this article from there are strategies and plans on how to create and implement successful community schools.
By Eric Schaps, Victor Battistich, and Daniel Solomon
Published in Building academic success on social and emotional learning: What does the research say? edited by J. Zins, R. Weissberg, M. Wang, & H. Walberg, 189–205. New York: Teachers College Press, 2004.
In the course of this work, it was found that helping schools to become a “caring community of learners” proved pivotal for enabling the full range of students to progress along these several dimensions of development. Along with other researchers, it is now a belief that this priority on community building in school provides a powerful focus for improving Caring Communities and Education educational practice, and especially for practice aimed at helping children to become caring, principled, and intrapersonally and interpersonally effective.
By Eric Schaps
Eric Schaps examines the positive effects of building community in schools amongst school age children, and how school involvement boosts grades and prevents risky behavior. Schap also provides various ways for schools and programs to improve community relations between school and students.
Information about the juvenile arbitration program in South Carolina. In the program a first time juvenile offenders or family member may choose to have a case heard before a volunteer arbitrator who determines sanctions as well as provides information to the family about available resources.
The Community Learning Center Institute (CLCI) works in the Greater Cincinnati community to develop learning centers in schools in order to revitalize community partnerships and respond to the needs of each school and neighborhood. The CLCI implements successful strategies through community engagement, site-based governance, partnership networks, cross boundary leaderships and resource coordinators.
This website dedicated to creating opportunities for people of all ages with disabilities or social and economic disadvantages to pursue their dreams.
These lesson plans educate children between the ages of 6-18 about the different aspects of building credit and credit card ownership.
Compassionate Kids is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to teaching children compassion through volunteerism. The website provides articles, book reviews, and free printable activities for parents and educators. The organization also has local chapters around the country that host field trips and volunteer events once a month.