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The Be SMART campaign was launched to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives. Be SMART emphasizes that it’s an adult responsibility to keep kids from accessing guns and that every adult can play a role in keeping kids and communities safer. There are thousands of Be SMART volunteers in your communities and neighborhoods that are delivering the Be SMART message across the country in all 50 states. Be SMART resources include tips for parents and adults in talking to youth about gun violence and gun violence prevention.

MENTOR’s Becoming a Better Mentor: Strategies to Be There for Young People is a free resource written by experts in the field to benefit any adult looking to support young people. Full of real-world advice and evidence-based strategies, it provides mentors with tangible strategies to “be there” for young people in their various life journeys and teaches them about the core skills, key principles, and critical practices of mentoring, such as:

mindsets and attitudes that lay the foundation for a strong mentoring relationship;
basic information about youth development and typical mentoring relationship cycles; and
critical skills and competencies to grow and refine to meet the needs of youth.

Before- and After-School Care, Programs, and Activities for Children in K-8th Grade (2005)

This NCES report from the National Household Education Surveys Program presents data on participation in after school activities and programs in the United States. The data are from the After-School Programs and Activities Survey (ASPA) of the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program.

Beginner Guitar Songs

This iTunes app teachers you how to begin learning the guitar.

Behavior Advisor

Offers a variety of positive strategies for promoting appropriate classroom behavior, including  podcasts and lesson plans.

Behavior Charts

Free printable behavior charts for rewards and classroom rules along with suggestions for promoting good behavior in the classroom.

Behavior Management: Getting to the Bottom of Social Skills Deficits

Judith Osgood Smith (1995) addresses behavior management of students with learning disabilities who do not necessarily act out, but lacks certain skill sets to interact socially.

Behavioral Interventions

Tactics for behavioral intervention including motivation and reward techniques, as well as information on special needs children, bullying, and challenging students.

Being Girl

Online resources from teens to teens about dating and other related information. Moreover, available expert information and advice is given to curious teenagers.

Best Bones Forever!

This girl-friendly Web site helps girls understand how weight-bearing physical activity and calcium can be a fun and important part of everyday life.

Best Colleges

USNews provides a most comprehensive site on choosing a college - from local community colleges to major universities.  A "grade point average calculator" lets you calculate the grades you'll need to get into the college you want. A college personality quiz will help you define who you are and what college is best.

Best Kids Songs

This application has popular songs for children ages 0-5 to sing along.

Best Practices in Engaging Diverse Families

In the following report, Hanover Research examines literature and case studies on engaging diverse families in public, K12 settings. It focuses in particular on the experiences and needs of large, urban public school districts, and on the experiences and needs of African-American and Hispanic families.

Beyond Textbooks

This app helps students connect the lessons they learn in class and textbooks to interactive games for better understanding.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Connecting children to mentors that help build their self-esteem, improve their schoolwork, and avoid risky behaviors

Big Brown Bear Software

Big Brown Bear Software provides free interactive teaching programs (ITPs) designed to increase literacy. In addition, the website provides tying resources for visitors to learn how to type.

Big Future

Big Future is a program that is sponsored by College Board and is dedicated to providing students with information on how they can afford college. Big Future helps students research different schools, calculate net costs, and provides resources on understanding financial aid programs.

Big MaMa Earth

Big MaMa Earth is an educational website for children to learn about environmental challenges and empower them with ways they can make a difference. The website provides historical and visionary discussions through games and videos that surround topics of environmental conservation.

Big Thought

Founded in 1987, Dallas-based Big Thought is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits focused on building partnerships that allow all children access to quality learning opportunities.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The foundation is dedicated to helping students graduate high school prepared to go to college.