The California Research Bureau summarizes findings from interviews with homeless youth regarding their living arrangements, needs, and hopes for policy change.
Covenant House was founded 40 years ago, taking in homeless youth, offering them a hearty meal, a bed to sleep on and shelter over their head. Moreover, this house strives to move each kid forward down the path to an independent adulthood by offering services such as street outreach, health and medical care, GED high school program and other.
This flowchart helps parents and children determine whether they are eligible for school enrollment under the McKinney-Vento Act. It provides information for families who have been turned down by public schools.
Youth can call 1-800-RUNAWAY for assistance. The National Runaway Switchboard also offers resources for parents and educators, including a comprehensive curriculum to help runaway and at-risk youth make healthy and safe choices.
This list includes regional and nationwide support organizations for youth that age out of foster care.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offers reimbursements for shelters that provide meals to homeless children. Contact information for each state’s CACFP-related agency is included.
Provides High School students with homework help and educational activities to supplement their school work.
The site is designed to inform students about environmental issues and things they can do to help the environment.
Resources for high school youth organized by topic, including Fine Arts, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
This Web site is designed by kids for kids. It examines stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other topics. It teaches the principles of saving and investing. It also includes a stock game.
This site focuses on classroom activities and strategies in an effort to deepen mathematical understanding, and linking research to practice.
The Ali Forney Center is a website illustrating all available shelters, their contact information and the program they offer across various states.
USNews provides a most comprehensive site on choosing a college - from local community colleges to major universities. A "grade point average calculator" lets you calculate the grades you'll need to get into the college you want. A college personality quiz will help you define who you are and what college is best.
Activities/games for teens that include: SAT preparation, Math, Language Arts, History, and hands-on projects.
The NEW Teen Health & Wellness: Real Life, Real Answers—the award-winning, critically acclaimed online resource—provides middle school and high school students with nonjudgmental, straightforward, standards-aligned, curricular and self-help support.
Teen Health Issues provides a directory of contacts for issues ranging from alcohol and drugs to shoplifting.
Teen Ink is a website full of magazines, website content, and books written by teens for teens. They also provide resources to teens, here are some regarding teen health.
This page is all about teens living with cancer and how to cope with that as well as fundraisers and news updates.
This website is centered on teen health and motivation. They aspire to keep teens on a healthy lifestyle track. (YMH) is a website produced by the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston. The purpose of the website is to provide carefully researched health information to teenage boys and young men.